Being Ashton Irwin's Sister (Calum Hood Fanfic)

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I hear crashing through my door as I feel the weight of my older brother landing on me.

"Wake up Lauren we're going to London!!" Ashton yells in my ear as I attempt to push him off but fail miserably. I roll over and look at the clock and see its 5AM, I grown but then realize that I'm going to London today to help pursue my brothers dream! I get out of my bed and hug Ashton tightly

"Im so proud of you Ash" I whisper in his ear as he wraps his arms around me protectively.

"Your'll be here every step of the way" he says releasing his grip and kissing me on the cheek.

"Anyway go and get ready, all your bags are downstairs and we're meeting the boys at the airport in about an hour," Ashton says. I nod and shoo him out of my room while I get dressed. I pulled out my high waisted jeans and batman top and black vans. I pull my long brown hair into a high ponytail and put on a bit of mascara as I was going to be spending the next 12 or so hours on a plane.

I grab some breakfast and sit opposite Ashton and talk about what we're doing in London and them touring with One Direction. Ashton was 19 and I was 16 in my last year of school. I decided to drop out as I wasn't in the band but I did song writing so I helped write their songs and also did the sound engineering for their shows was amazing. I put me and Ash's dirty dishes in the dishwasher and went upstairs to grab my things and said a final good bye to my room for closing the door and running back downstairs.

*At the airport*

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I hugged my mum and dad and me,Ashton and Harry had a group hug. We were all extremely close with each other and if one of us wasn't there it was always hard. I hugged my parents and harry one last time before lining up for boarding. I hug Luke calum and Michael as they were all crying from saying good bye to their families. I hugged Calum for the longest. No one knows this but ever since Ashton joined the band I've been best friends with all the boys but especially close to Calum, I've liked him for a while now but I know he 'll never like me back so I don't see the point in telling him, and also I would never want to split the band apart.

I took my seat in between Ashton and Luke. Luke spent the next hour of the journey talking about his next guitar he got which I pretending to be interested in but really couldn't care less. He finally stopped and started watching a movie, I soon slowly drifted off into a deep sleep and rested my head on Luke's shoulder.

I couldn't wait to get to London.

Hey guys this is my first 5SOS fanfic so comment and vote pleaseeeeee

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