Ch. 4: Homecoming, Part 2

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Okay, so I totally feel like dedicating this part to Likewoah because her comment on Part 1 made me laugh. And I just want you all to know that I did not go to sleep yet because I've been typing away, and now it's nearly 5 in the morning here! So needless to say, I am dead tired and about ready to pass out. So have fun reading. :D


"Okay, well are we ready to go?" Jake asked as we made our way to the car.

"Well if you mean, are you ready to get out of the freezing cold and get someplace warm, then my answer is HELL YEAH!" I said, laughing. "So where is the next spot on our 'places to go' list?"

"I figured we'd go clubbing...that is, if you want to. I mean, we could always head back to either of our houses and watch a movie or something, but it's up to you."

"I think we'll stick with the first option...I really need to get some alcohol in my system!"

"Yeah, I was expecting that... So let's get you out of the 'freezing cold'!"

I nodded my head and we started sprinting towards the car. He got there just before me and was opening my door straight away. I gave him a huge grin. "My savior!" I joked. He closed my door, rolling his eyes, and ran to get in on his side.

"Okay, so are we heading to Strobe or...?" He trailed off.

We looked at each other. "Strobe," We said at the same time. Ah, I seriously missed hanging out with him. He drove in the direction of Strobe, while I fumbled around with his iPod. "Jake, I got the perfect song!" I selected "Fireflies" by Owl City.

"Fireflies!" Jake shouted. "Great song, but you know, I think Vanilla Twilight is better...or maybe even Rainbow Veins?"

"No, you don't. You think that Fireflies is the best of those three!" I said, faking a serious tone.

"Yeah right! Come on, Maddie! He's singing about lightning bugs!"

"Hey! He can make anything sound good. Even going to the dentist!" I laughed.

Jake just shook his head and pulled into a parking spot. "Whatever, Maddie. Now beat it! We're here and I forgot what you dance like, so you better refresh my memory!"

I snorted. "You would forget, or should I say fake-forget?" I laughed as I climbed out of the car and started heading for the club. Jake was still in the car. Realizing that I was leaving him, he quickly got out and locked it before running to catch up with me.

"Thanks, Jake. I was starting to get lonely up here..." I joked, half serious.

We got past the bouncers quickly. We proceeded inside to the dance floor. "Hey! I'm gonna go get a drink. You want anything?" I asked Jake.

"Nah. Someone's gotta be the responsible one and make sure we get home safe," He laughed.

I scowled and headed towards the bar.

"What'll it be?" The bartender asked.

"Whatever you feel like making me..." I muttered.

"'s a Hollywood sound?"

I tilted my head to the side. "What's in it?" I asked.

"Vodka, black raspberry liquor, and pineapple juice. in?"

"Sure...why not?"

"Okay, now protocol says I've gotta see your ID."

I opened my clutch and grabbed my fake ID from my wallet. "Here." I said.

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