Personal Space

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So I have personal space issues. People have been invading my personal space and it's really annoying tbh. The one who has been invading my space the most has been getting a bit worse. Let me explain a bit more. I can't stand when people touch my neck, stomach, feet, or head. And when strangers get close (ex: on a train or something) I like explode. Even if my friends get too close I get antsy, scared (idk why), and annoyed. And if someone is too close I will move away and/or yell at them, I honestly don't care if I offend them cause they were offending me first by invading my space. Sometimes it doesn't bug me under certain circumstances and stuff but usually it bugs me when people get too close. So yeah. Just a little rant because some people don't understand the concept of personal space even when I explain it to them and that really irks me. This isn't the most in depth as I tried to explain it but it was the best I could do at the moment cause I didn't want to keep repeating myself.

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