Mr. Satan

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So I have this teacher, my friend and I call him Mr. Satan. He's a complete asshat and here's a few examples why. So first, he rants about every little thing. He even yelled at us about frickin gun control!! Second, he doesn't let us drink water in class. Legally, he can't do that. And he doesn't let us go to the bathroom or get water at the fountains. Again, complete asshat. And third, it happened today. So I'm just getting over being sick and am coughing a lot. I was in his class, the last class of the day but we're on block schedule so we have 2 hr classes (three a day). I was coughing a lot and it was only the beginning of the period. About an hour in I built up the confidence (it took me 10 min) to raise my had and ask him if I could get water. I asked, and he asked why. I said because I'm getting over being sick and my throats really scratchy. He said something but I don't remember what. Madison told him I was sick and he was like "oh you must care about Bella. You should be a doctor when you grow up." I asked him again if I could get water. And what did he do, he said NO! Even when he knew I was just getting over being sick and coughing a lot. I kept coughing after that and tried not to cough anymore. My eyes were tearing up that's how hard it was. And I felt like I was dying or something. Not fun. When someone else in my class asked if they could go to the bathroom, he said "no. If I should let someone out it should be Bella." And I'm like (in my head) ok WHAT THE FUUUCK. Why didn't you let me out earlier then!! So then he's like do you still need water? I said yes. He was like do you have a bathroom pass you can use? I said "yes." But seriously? I'm dying and he asked me if I have a bathroom pass to see if I can go. I was filling it out and then he said I could just go and didn't have to use a pass. Then he went on a rant about people leaving class and using phones at school. Very stupid and not even relevant to anything. He was like we should have a system that messes with the signal, or I'll just have a bag and collect your phones at the beginning of class. But we're like someone can steal it. He was denying it and being a total butt. So basically, HES A BIATCH!! I hate him, and so does everyone else.

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