Chapter 15

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AN: OMG! I'M SO FRIGEN SORRY GUYS! I've been packing, and my wifi was being stupid and I didnt get it till today and this was the first thing I did! you guys are lucky!

- - - 3 years later - - -

Tris' POV

I watch Shailene toddle across back and forth between the bed and the hallway.

I was left alone with Shailene.

For 2 years

Tobias left.

He left us.

He left me.

He left to go into war.

He doesn't send me letters

We are still married though.

We got married shortly after Shailene was born.

I glance down at the wedding band on my finger.

I sigh and slowly slide it off.

"Mommy what's that?" Shailene asks, her blonde curls bouncing around her head.

She looks up at me with her Heterochromia eyes, One Tobias' eye color of blue and the other my dull blue-grey colored eyes.

She points to the ring.

"It's nothing sweetheart." I say, as I pick her up and place her in my lap.

"Otay Mommy." She says as she puts her head on my shoulder.

I stand, supporting her with my arms as I carry her to the bedrom, and lay her on the bed.

She lays and watches me as i go to my jewelry box the Chris gave me before she died, and take out a plain gold chain. I slide the ring on and slip it around Shailene's neck.

She doesn't say a word, as I lay back on the bed.

She curls up to me and rests her head on my shoulder, while I keep my arms wrapped around her.

We fall asleep to the sound of the Dauntless running down the hall to a party.

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