Chapter 21

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Tris' POV

I wake up in a room.

It's white.

4 white walls

I try to sit up but fall back.

I'm strapped down.

Panic fills me.

Why am I here?

This isn't home.

This isn't where I'm safe.

I look over and see a table of needles, scissors, and really sharp things I don't want to see.

I hear a door open and high heels clacking on the ground.

I close my eyes and try to act asleep on this cold metal table, under these bright fluorescent lights.

The person stops at my table and pick my wrist up.

They press their fingers to my wrist and sighs

The person is female.

They're perfume is horrid.

It smells like death being covered up with the smell of roses.

Roses turn my stomach.

Where even am I?

I've been wondering that for months.

The lady drops my hand and moves to the table next to me.

She picks up an item and I can hear her sniffle.

I feel a sudden sharp pain on my forehead and my eyes fly open.

I sit up so forcefully that the straps snap

I feel liquid drip down my brow into my eyes, over my cheeks and into my lap.


She jumps back and screams.

I lunge for her.

4 big men with gun run in and grab me by the arms.

I kick and scream at them while also cussing out the lady who is covering her ears and trying to calm down from being scared.

I feel yet ANOTHER sharp pain, but in my neck this time.

My eyes roll back and everything goes black

Shailene's POV

ever since I told off my dad when that red head girl -whose name is Hayley and apparently is my dad's girlfriend- My dad got a new job.

He work at some prison or something like that.

He's a guard and he has to keep watch over some mentally unstable chick who's apparently just had surgery.

She's going through changes and has to be watched carefully to make sure she doesnt kill herself.

He left today and guess who has to watch me?

The girl who loves to sing and loves to sleep.


I walk out of my room and see her asleep on the couch.


I walk past her and turn off the Tv.

At the same time someone knocks on the door.

Tobias' POV

I'm walking down the hallway to the woman who I will be watching cell.

They won't tell me her name or her backstory

Only that they call her subject 4664 and that she's killed 6 other guards.

So this should be fun.

The men who lead me down the hall stop at her door that has spray painted numbers on it that read '4664 beware. Divergent.'

My eyes widen.

A Divergent

What are they doing NOW with the Divergent?

They open the door slowly, gun's aimed and ready.

It's dark but the light from outside the room pours it and illuminates the room.

Just enough to where I see the girl.

She's asleep on the floor.

Even though there's a bed right next to her.

"I'll take it from here."

The men step back.

I unzip my jacket and press my hand to the gun tucked away inside.

Loaded and ready to kill in a second.

I'm still not over my fear of killing someone but If I have to do it to protect myself I'll do it.

Tris would've done the same.

I know it.

At least the old Tris would have.

Oh Tris.

What happened to my poor Tris.

The sad thing is that I never believed for a second Tris was crazy.

I knew her better than she knew herself.


Tobias' POV

I hear a scream.

A bloody murder scream.

I jump up away from Shailene and run to the scream.

The bathroom is lit.

Tris is standing there.

A knife pressed into her stomach.

There's blood everywhere, spilling over her hands, onto the floor, into the stone cracks in the ground.

I've never seen so much blood.


Why would she do this?!


Tris would never kill herself.

She's too brave

Too strong

Too… Tris.

She wouldn't

She looks up at me and her eyes roll to the back of her head and she collapses on the ground into a heap of limbs.


The doctor said he would take her to therapy.

To help figure out why she did that.

Why she killed our baby.

But I don't think it was my baby.

I couldn't have been.

Babies don't grow that fast.

I hear movement and look up from the position on the floor i have taken.

I point my flash light they gave me when I walked in at the source.

The girl is moving.

She sits up and winces from the light in her face.

Her head is shaved on one side leaving the other with long blonde hair.

She has stitches rounding the one side of her head.

I lower the flashlight and he looks at me.

Those eyes.

That hair.

"Who are you?"

That voice.

Beatrice Prior.

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