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"WHAT is this?!" Sparrows father pointed at a broken vase she had broken. Sparrow felt the tears rising in her.
"What have I told you about running inside?" He stared down at her angrily. She covered her face with her tiny hands and started to sob uncontrollably. "I'm sorry father!" Her shoulders moved up and down to her sobs. "Please forgive me..."
Her fathers angry look washed away and he actually smiled at her.

Sparrow awoke to the feeling of a swaying motion. Her vision was blurry and she was bound to a wooden pole. Her hair was no longer in a bun, it slithered down her shoulders. She let her eyes adjust to her surroundings. She saw she was in a wooden room, the only light was the moon from an unseen window. She tried to scream but a gag muffled it into a whisper. She struggled against the ropes that held her to the pole. When she could not free herself she screamed again.
"Oi," a bang came from a door she had not noticed, "shut up!" This course voice did not sound familiar. She tried to talk, beg to let her go but the gag stopped her from talking. The swaying motion was making her sick already. She guessed they we're out on the sea, for she had never felt any swaying like this. The swaying continued for hours. Sparrow had guessed her face was already green from motion sickness. She let her head hang and move to the swaying.
"How's the girl?" A voice said. She knew this voice, but from where?
"She's alright Captain, especially now that she stopped screaming."
"Good. I'm going in to check on her myself though."
"Yes sir!"
The wooden door opened, only to reveal James Kidd. Sparrow screamed and struggled again.
"Woah love, calm down. No harm will come to ye." Sparrow didn't listen but kept struggling, making the motion sickness worse. She stopped and made sounds like she would puke.
"Waves getting to ye? It does that at first, but you'll get used to it."
Sparrows eyes widened at the comment. She tried to speak but the gag stopped her again.
"Oh here let me get that." James approached her and untied to gag. Sparrow took in a gulp of air, and moved her jaw around a bit until she found her voice.
"What do you want? Money?"
"No love, not that. Information is what I want." Sparrow raised one eyebrow to this comment.
"Your father is named Johnathan Bloodmoon no?" She simply nodded.
"Well your father is part of a group, a terrible group and I want information on them." Sparrow was now confused. Group? What group? She had not known of any group.
"Sorry, but I have no idea what your talking about."
"Don't play dumb love. I'm not that stupid." Sparrow just stared at him in confusion. He read her face only to see she spoke truth.
"You really don't know?" She shook her head.
"Dammit!" He lifted his leg up and kicked a wall. Sparrow flinched at this. James paced around for a few minutes. He was thinking clearly. Sparrow cleared her throat.
"Can you please untie me? Staying in this position is very uncomfortable." James looked at her.
"Of course, but you must swear not to run off." Sparrow nodded in agreement. James untied the ropes. Sparrow stepped away from the pole and stretched. It felt good to be out of those damn ropes. She looked at her wrists seeing that the ropes had left rope burn on her wrist. She winced in pain when touching one of her wrists.
"It's going to hurt for awhile lass." James spoke. He walked to the door and opened it. "Ladies first." He spoke. Sparrow stared into the outside and hesitantly walked outside. The wind whipped her hair around her face. She saw pirates working on the top deck. A certain fear filled her. She had been captured by pirates. How did she not figure that out? She walked to the edge of the ship and looked out to the sea. Land was nowhere for miles. She was stuck there. She looked down and saw she could jump... if she could swim.
"Lovely isn't it?" Sparrow only nodded.
"Scared to talk?" He let out a chuckle.
"No, just adjusting to the swaying."
"I hope you're not thinking of jumping off."
"Couldn't if I wanted to."
Sparrow blushed. "I can't swim."
James stared at her in disbelief. After a few minutes of staring he bent over laughing. Sparrow whipped her head around to him with an angry expression planted on her face.
"What's so funny?"
"You doll. You crack me up." Sparrows mouth fell open. "It's not a joke."
"I know. That's what makes it funny." Sparrow glared at him. She barley talked to him and he was already a pain in her arse. She rolled her eyes and stared back at the sea. The breeze died down and her hair now gently blew in the wind. She was so amazed by the sea she didn't notice James staring at her, smiling.

Two Days Later

Sparrow was still stuck on the 'horrible' ship. She was locked up in the same wooden room every night. Thanks to James she wasn't tied to the pole, instead she had a little cot and the door was only locked every time she was in there. When morning came she would wait for James to let her out. After to failed escape attempts, which nearly cost her life, she stopped trying to leave. Instead she would sit on the edge of the ship and hum. In the mornings while waiting for James she would play with her hair. Sparrow thought life was boring on the ship. She hated every second. She had to....
"Mornin' love." James said opening the door.
"Good morning James." Sparrow walked out to the deck and saw the crew were at ease instead of working.
"No wind. Haven't been moving for hours." Sparrow only nodded, she walked around the edges of the ship. Planning yet another escape.

Hi loves! How are you enjoying the story? Good, bad? Yay, nah? Well which ever. Just wanted you to know Sparrows memories seem like nonsense but if I plan it out right they lead to something BIG! So yeah xD. Just wanted to let you guys know 😜

James Kidd (Mary Read) X OCWhere stories live. Discover now