Welcome Aboard

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Welcome aboard explorer! - Finding Nemo
BTW I might end the series soon >.> please don't hate me but I can't continue to write two story's at once. Plus the story kinda makes me sad. The death of Mary is really stabbing me in the chest like ow.

Anne was now quartermaster of Mary's ship, and as an extra to the surprise. Mary finally came out. She admitted to being a woman before leaving Nassu. Everyone was speechless. They didn't know what the say. Sparrow was so happy that she felt as if she could explode. Nothing could ruin this moment. Nothing.

~Le Time Skip~ (Sorry)

Mary, Anne, and Sparrow sailed happily. They loved being together on the ship. Mary and Sparrow grew closer. They felt as if the were one (Lion King 2 lol). They spent every moment together while Anne took care of the ship. They hated to leave each others side. When Sparrow moved away from Mary she felt incomplete.
"Mary?" Sparrow said. They we're now lying together on Mary's bed. They we're both naked and were tangled with each other. (Get over it, they slept with each other)
"Hmm?" Mary replied.
"Do you promise that we will always be with each other."
"I don't know... We have no idea what's in the future." Sparrow felt a sting at those words.
"But maybe we could be together forever." She said desperately. She sounded like a love sick teenager.
"Sparrow. Be realistic." Mary sighed. Sparrow felt like a large knife had just been pierced through her heart. She bit her bottom lip, holding back her tears.
"I jut never want us to part." Sparrow said. Tears threatening to leave her eyes.
"I do too, but something could happen. One of us could die or... or."
"Shh.." Sparrow put a finger over Mary's lips. "Even death couldn't keep us apart." Mary looked deeply into Sparrow's eyes. A tear escaped her right eye. Sparrow leaned forward a little and closed the gap between them. She gave her a slight Peck on the lips.
"Mary Read... Will you do the honor and become my bride?" Sparrow asked. Mary laid there in surprise. She couldn't believe what Sparrow had just asked. Sparrow starred at Mary's chocolate eyes.
"Well?" Sparrow smirked.
"Yes..." Mary's voice was small. Hardly there. Sparrow smiled and reclosed the gap between them.

~Next Day~

"Sparrow!" Mary called. Sparrow ran onto the top deck.
"It's your father's ship. Heading straight for us." Sparrow looked out at the sea and non less it was her father's ship. His sails were a bright blue. Sparrow was confused. Why is he here? She wondered. Once the ship was close enough she saw her father looking straight at her.
"Mind if we board? I must talk to my daughter." He called. Mary nodded. Next thing the threw over ropes with hooks, pulling us closer to them. Once they were close enough to us her father jumped across slightly to their ship.
"Hey father." Sparrow hugged her father.
"Hi! Can we talk in private?" Sparrow nodded and led him to her room. Once they we're inside and away from people who can over hear them.
"Sparrow," he father's voice was serious, "listen to me! You will return with me to England and you will not complain! Or else that disgusting woman you love will die! Do you understand?!" Sparrow was taken back by her father's words. She blinked a few times and just starred at her father. When he saw she wasn't answering he pulled out a gun.
"Fine!" He walked toward the door.
"Wait!" Sparrow cried. Her father turned to look at her. "I will if you promise not to hurt her or Anne!"
"Deal." Her father smiled. "That's my good girl."

If you can tell I gave up on her dreams. What was suppose to happen was that she was a Templar too but got her memory erased because she couldn't fulfill her duty's. Just so you know. That's her back back story. Like Fuck the main and back story right? Who needs it?

James Kidd (Mary Read) X OCWhere stories live. Discover now