A Hanging Or A Surprise

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"Hurry Sparrow!" Her father called. "We'll miss the hanging!" Sparrow had become depressed when she left Mary. She only wore black. And behind her father's back she got Mary's name tattooed over her breasts. Her father wasn't happy when he found out, so he forced her to wear dresses that covered it. Sparrow was now sitting in front of her mirror. She wearing dark makeup. Her new true colors. She stood up and left her room. She walked down the stairs. She had been here for 4 months. 4 months she hadn't seen Mary. 4 months she had no butterflies, no happiness, just tears. She had heard stories of the infamous Mary Read and her companion Anne. The two brave woman who would face all danger.
"Finally! Come on!" Her father grabbed her hand and yanked her out the door. They ran across town. They arrived at a tiny gathering. The walked through the tiny opening. There was benches, the judges deck, and of course people. Sparrow didn't really want to be around so many people. So she looked at the ground.
"Head up darling!" Her father said. Sparrow sighed and lifted her head. She looked around the crowd, her eyes drifted over their heads and landed on the one and only Mary Read.
"Mary." Sparrow's voice was soft. She was so happy. She was looking at her lover. The woman she wanted, needed! But Sparrow realized that Mary was on trial. Along with Anne. Sparrow's eyes widened. Mary looked over the crowd with a smirk. Then her eyes landed on Sparrow. Her smirk dropped, her mouth agape. She began to step forward but a guard grabbed her shoulder pulling her back roughly. Sparrow felt tears rising. She immediately looked at her father. He knew! He knew who was to be hanged, and he wanted Sparrow to witness it. She felt anger rise. He father yanked her to the front bench in front of Mary and Anne. Anne noticed Sparrow and looked as well. Sparrow's bottom lip quivered. Her hand that held a handkerchief in a tight ball.
"Ladies and gentleman we are here for the trial of Mary Read and Anne Bonny." The trial had begun. Sparrow didn't pay attention to the judge. Just Mary. Through the trial Mary and Anne said smart remarks causing Sparrow to laugh a few times. Sparrow was so happy to see Mary that she-
"Dead, dead, dead!" Was the words Sparrow heard. She immediately knew what happened and she jumped up into a stand.
"No!" At the moment she cried that Mary cried the words.
"We're pregnant! Do you all hear that?" Sparrow froze, she felt hurt. Mary had slept with a man, and he impregnated her. She was sad, and pissed. She would kill whoever touched Mary like that.
"What the devil did she say." The judge said.
"They claim their bellies my lord." A guard said, slightly leaning in. Mary looked at Sparrow. She had a smile and then noticed Sparrow's hurt eyes. Mary's smile instantly dropped. She thought Sparrow would be happy that the hanging would be postponed.  Sparrow began to cry. She felt betrayed. Her lover slept with someone else. Sparrow stayed true however. She wasn't engaged, nor went on any dates. She truly never left the house unless forced.
"You bitch!" Sparrow yelled! "I stayed true! And what do you do?! Get knocked up!" Sparrow had tears rolled down her cheeks. The judge snapped his head at Sparrow in surprise. "I loved you!" Sparrow marched forward to Mary. Not a single guard stopping her. Sparrow's hand flew to the top of the dress and pulled it down, showing her tattoo. Mary starred at the tattoo. Sparrow then let go of her dress and raised her hand. Mary was still dazed by the tattoo that she didn't notice. Sparrow then swiftly lowered her hand and slapped Mary across the face. She smacking noise made everyone gasp. Even Anne.
"I hate you!" Sparrow cried before fleeing the scene. Mary stood there, sad, confused, and more in love than she had ever felt.

So close to the end.

James Kidd (Mary Read) X OCWhere stories live. Discover now