Daddy Dearest

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Eeeee! That week break felt nice. I got to breath and stuff. Now I'm back. Won't update as quick as I did but still updating.

Sparrow was pissed. Her father refused to leave her side. Every time Mary stepped near her, he would get in the way. She tried to punch him once but Anne stopped her. Even though he slapped her across the face, he thought she would forgive him by now. Nope, still pissed. She just hoped that her and Mary would leave soon. Jane was sitting on the ship in her room, the only place her father couldn't find her, she had begun to love the sway the sea caused. She rock herself back and forth to the sway. She was calm and at peace. Knock knock.
"Come in." Sparrow mumbled. The door opened to reveal Mary.
"Hi love." Mary said.
"Hi Mary."
"Anne told me to get you. Somethings went wrong at the tavern." Sparrow immediately snapped out of her peacefulness.
"What happened?" She shouted.
"You have to see for yourself." Sparrow ran out the room and off the ship. She ran to the tavern. She saw her father, drunk, and fighting.
"Father!" Sparrow pulled her father away from the fight.
"Wait! I almost had him." Sparrows father slurred. He still swung his fists in the air.
"You are such an idiot." Sparrow sat her father down and walked to Anne.
"What else has he done?" Sparrow asked Anne, who was getting more rum.
"Other than fighting, grabbing my ass, and almost killing a guy? Nothing." Anne stated. Sparrow sighed. She rested her hand on her forehead. What am I going to do about him?  she thought. Sparrow walked back to her father.
"Father?" Sparrow rested a hand on her fathers shoulder. Her father looked up at her. When he saw her a big, wide grin on his face!
"Sparrow!" He cried. Yep, he was drunk alright.
"Father! Why have you been drinking?" Sparrow was disgusted.
"Oh my dear, it was just a few bottles." He started laughing.
"You know what rum does to you!" Sparrow had a disgusted look. She hated the memory of her father stabbing Sparrow's leg due to the rum. She still had the scar.
"No! What does it do?" He took another sip of his drink. Sparrow sighed and then propped her leg up on the table and pulled her dress up to reveal her scar. She got a whistle from a few men.
"This help remind you?!" Sparrow said. Her father starred at her leg, at her scar.
"What happened?" He asked. Sparrow pulled her leg off the table and sighed.
"You are such a dumbass!" She yelled.
"Hey! I am your father young lady!"
"Oh whatever." Her father scowled at her and tried to stand up.
"I'll..... I'll knock you out!" He stumbled.
"Father, please..." Sparrow did an old begging face she done as a child. It helped her with everything. Her father starred at her face, his like stone. After a while his expression softened. Finally Sparrow thought.
"All right sweetheart." Sparrow smiled at her father's response. He may have done her wrong, she may have been pissed off at him, but she stilled loved him. He was her personal Daddy Dearest.

Sorry it was short. I just wanted to get a new chapter out there guys.

James Kidd (Mary Read) X OCWhere stories live. Discover now