Back At Sea

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Spoiler: I'm thinking of adding Mary's death.... If I do, I'm gonna cry writing it. I just finished the game. (Yeah I know) and saw her at the table while Anne sang. I burst into tears and cried silently on my bed. No video game has ever put me in such tears. Her death, and her sitting at the table was like me crying at Mufasa's death in Lion King. I am now replaying the game only to see Mary. I'm a weird obsessed freak. You have no right to judge me.

About a month later, Sparrow's father finally left! And Mary had finished her business on Nassu. They were heading back to sea today. Everyone came to bid them goodbye and good luck.
"Come see me when you can!" Anne clung to Sparrow. Anne was officially Sparrow's best friend. Sparrow trusted Anne. Anne was the only woman, other than Mary, that Sparrow trusted.
"Of course! You can't always handle the tavern on your own!" Sparrow replied smiling. Anne smiled and pulled away. Anne's eyes began to slightly water. She clearly didn't wish for Sparrow to leave.
"Don't worry! I'm with James! I'll be okay." Sparrow gave Anne another warm smile. Anne but her lip and nodded. Anne released Sparrow's arms from a right clutch. Sparrow a boarded the ship. She couldn't believe it, but she missed the sea. The smell of salt water, the strong wind that whipped her hair around. She inhaled the salty air and smiled. She felt arms wrap around her waist from behind.
"Ello~" Sparrow smiled at the voice. Mary.
"Hello my love." Sparrow said. She felt a familiar flutter in her stomach. Every time Mary was around her, she had butterflies in her stomach. She was like a little girl. Mary pulled away from the embrace and grabbed Sparrow's hand. Mary lead her to the wheel of the ship.
"Stay behind me." Mary said. "Set sail!" She yelled. The ship let out a slight jolt. Sparrow braved herself making sure not to lose he balance. They were now setting out at sea. Sparrow looked out at the blue vast sea. She loved it.
"Love, why not sing us a small tune?" Mary called. Sparrow nodded. She thought of a song and smiled.

♪My hearts been pierced by Cupid♪
♪I disdain all glittering gold♪
♪There is nothing can console me, but my Jolly Sailor Bold♪

Sparrow felt the lyrics gracefully leave her lips. She slightly smiled. Mary looked back at her and smiled too.

~Mega Time Skip~

They had been at sea for months. Over the time, Mary had treated Sparrow as if she was a princess. Everything Sparrow asked she got. Except one thing so far, for Mary to show her true self. Not James, but Mary! Sparrow had begged Mary for months. Mary declined every time. They even broke out into a fight over. Almost threw punches at each other. Now, Mary said she had a surprise at Nassu. Sparrow's heart was pounding. She was dying to find out what it was. They had been moving closer to Nassu each day. And each time Sparrow became more anxious.

~Tiny Time Skip~

"Land ho!" The crew cried. Sparrow ran to the side of the ship and looked over. Nassu was in sights. She began to jump up and down in excitement.
"Calm down love." Mary spoke from behind her.
"I can't! I'm so excited to see the surprise!" Sparrow said with a smile plastered on her face. Mary chuckled, and went back to the wheel. Sparrow watched as the ship edged closer to Nassu. Her face began to hurt due to her huge smile. Finally, the ship docked. Sparrow ran off the ship and had to stop and wait due to Mary being slow on purpose.
"Hurry up!" Sparrow whined. She was acting like a 5 year old. Mary smiled at her whine.
"Okay okay." Mary sped up a bit and finally arrived next to Sparrow. Mary took Sparrow's hand in hers and directed her toward the tavern. Sparrow was skipping next to Mary due to her excitement. When they arrived at the tavern Sparrow saw Anne cleaning around the bar.
"Anne!" Sparrow detached from Mary and ran to Anne. Anne turned toward Sparrow. Once her eyes landed on her, she lit up. Sparrow and Anne ran into each others arms and hugged each other so tightly.
"This is your surprise." Mary said. Sparrow pulled away from Anne and looked at Mary with curiosity. Mary sighed.
"Anne," Anne directed her attention to Mary, "how would you like to join our crew?"

James Kidd (Mary Read) X OCWhere stories live. Discover now