Don't Go My Love

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Sparrow laid on her bed with her face in her pillow. Even after months from the trial she was still torn. Tears ran down her cheeks. Her makeup rubbed onto her pillow leaving black smudges all over it. She screamed, wailed, and kicked her feet. She was so sad and angry that it was hard to show without murder. Her father went to a tavern to drink. Sparrow didn't care if he got drunk and killed her. It was all she wanted right now. Knock knock. Someone was at the front door. She kept quiet hoping they would go away. KNOCK KNOCK! The knocking got louder. She stayed quiet. She really didn't want to see anyone. Bang! Sparrow jolted up in bed. The door had been kicked down. Her door was then opened with a quick swing. A man she had never seen stood in front of her. He wore the kind of clothes Edward did, but his skin was a darker tan and his face was painted. He examined Sparrow. Sparrow didn't realize that her face had black makeup running.
"Sparrow?" He asked. Sparrow nodded. The man quickly grabbed her hand.
"Come. There isn't much time." He yanked her out of the bed. And dragged her out of the house. She tried to fight him but he was to strong.
"Who are you?!" Sparrow said, almost tripping over her feet due to the running.
"A friend of Mary's." He replied. Mary, of course. Sparrow had a sour look. She tried to stop but she was only being dragged. Guess she had to go with the mysterious friend of Mary's. The sky was dark. The man pulled her to a bush in front of the prison. What the hell? She thought. Then she heard a slight yell and metal rattling. She looked ahead and saw Edward hanging in a cage above a few guards.
"Stay here!" The man said in a whisper. And he snuck out the bush, and like that he took the guards out. He threw Edward a key. Sparrow left the bush.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"We are freeing Mary and Anne." The man said.
"Oh no! Oh hell no! I don't want part of this!" Sparrow turned to walk away. But Edward stopped her.
"Lass, I know yer pissed at Mary, but please just do this. Plus, you don't even have to sneak. You're a noble. All you have to do is say you're visiting and walk in." He wasn't wrong. Sparrow was related to the kind of England.
"Fine!" Sparrow said. Edward smiled and ran off with the man. Sparrow sighed and walked to the gates of the prison.
"I'm here to visit. Let me in immediately." The guard simply nodded and opened the gate. Sparrow walked in and went to a door. She walked into a room filled with cells. Okay, time to find Mary she thought. She walked down the halls. Prisoners whistled at her, and some asked her to do unspeakable things. She was disgusted.
"Help! Please my friend is ill!" Anne's voice screamed. Sparrow immediately started running. She ran up to an open space of cells. Dead guards on the floor. The man led Anne off while Edward crouched next to Mary.
"Mary!" Sparrow yelled. She ran next to Edward. Mary looked up at Sparrow.
"Sparrow?" Mary questioned. Sparrow nodded.
"Let's get you out of here." Edward said. He put Mary's arm around his shoulder and lifted her up. Sparrow got to Mary's other side and put that arm around her shoulder. She helped Mary walk.
"No, leave me." Mary groaned.
"No!" Sparrow said. The weight was heavy but they had to get her out of there. They helped Mary walk.
"The door." Sparrow said. They were so close.
"No." Mary began to slid down but Edward picked her up bridal style.
"I'm not leaving you here." Edward said. He began to walk. It was slow. The weight must be weighing him down. Then he set Mary down.
"Dammit." He said. Mary looked at Sparrow.
"Sparrow," she spoke, "I love you. Remember what you said. Not even death could keep us apart."
"No! Mary Read! Don't you die on me! I'll..... I'll kill myself if you die!" Sparrow said. A few tears leaking out of her eyes.
"Don't love. Promise me."
"But living without you would be torture! I went months without you. My life without you would be more painful than death! I never meant what I said. I can't hate you. I love you to much." Sparrow spoke.
"Promise!" Mary spoke. Almost a yell.
"I-I promise Mary." Sparrow looked down. Mary looked toward Edward.
"Kenway, will you be our witness?" Sparrow looked up at Mary's words. Mary wanted them to be married before she died. Edward nodded. Mary looked back at Sparrow and weakly took one of her hands.
"I, Mary Read, take you Sparrow Bloodmoon as my wife." She spoke.
"And I," Sparrow let out a small cry, "take you Mary Read as my wife." It wasn't a proper wedding. But in their eyes, they were married. Sparrow leaned down and kissed Mary. Mary weakly kissed back. This kiss was more incredible than their first. This was their last kiss, their perfect kiss. Sparrow felt Mary go limp. She had died. Sparrow quickly pulled back.
"Mary! Mary?!" Sparrow screamed. She heard guards talking as she began to wail. Edward quickly put a hand over Sparrow's mouth.
"Keep quiet or they'll take her." Sparrow nodded and he uncovered her mouth. Sparrow then covered her own mouth and still cried. Muffling her sobs. Edward picked Mary up again and took her outside. Sparrow followed, still crying. A boat outside waited for them. It held a pregnant Anne and the man.
"Is she dead?" Anne asked while Edward set Mary in the boat. Edward said nothing and Anne groaned in pain. Sparrow got in the boat.
"I'm coming to." She said. The man nodded and rowed off.

~With The Assassins~

Sparrow sat on the top of a hill. She starred off at the sea that showed.
"Sparrow?" Anne walked up behind her. Sparrow turned her head slightly. Anne said nothing and sat next to Sparrow. It was only 2 nights ago that Mary died. It killed Sparrow inside. She was right. The pain was worse than death.
"I miss her." Anne confessed.
"Me too." Sparrow said. Her voice slightly shook.
"I wish she was still with us."
"Me as well." Sparrow kept her words short.
"Sparrow? When will you return to England?"
"Never." She stated.
"What? You're Sparrow Bloodmoon. A noble." Anne said, slightly shocked.
"You're wrong."
"That's not my name." Sparrow said.
"Then what is it?" Anne asked.
"Read," Sparrow said with a slight smile, "Sparrow Read."

Crying. Balling more like it. Makes it worse that I wrote this while listening to Concrete Angel. Just tears. Surprised I haven't flooded my room. Anyway there is ONE more chapter. I might write another James Kidd fanfic so hold on!

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