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Sparrow awoke lying next to Mary. Last night Mary had revealed her true self as Mary Read. Sparrow had stayed with Mary to prove that she still loved her as a woman, Sparrow loved her no matter what. Sparrow was snuggled up against Mary. Sparrow looked at Mary's peaceful, sleeping face. Sparrow studied her features. Mary was truly beautiful. Sparrow just never wanted to leave this. Sparrow propped up on her elbow on her side. She kissed Mary's forehead, eyelids, and reached her lips. At that slight Peck Mary's eyes fluttered open.
"Mornin' beautiful." Sparrow said, noticing Mary's awaking.
"As to you." Mary smiled a little. She was clearly still a little tired. Sparrow pulled her self out of the bed and laid out Mary's clothes (James' Clothes).
"Sadly it's time to get up Mary." Sparrow said sighing.
"No," she put her face in her pillow, "come lay back down with me."
"Get up!"
"Never." Sparrow shook her head at Mary. She walked over to her and rolled her off the bed. Mary hit the floor with a loud thud.
"Fine I'm awake." Mary stood up and walked behind a few boxes to get dressed. Sparrow made the bed. Mary walked out in her male outfit.
"How do I look?"
"Like a man."
"Perfect." Sparrow giggled. "How much longer to Nassu?"
"Not long now." Good. Sparrow was actually happy to get off the ship. And get a new dress. She was still her the dress from the party. Disgusting. Knock knock.
"Captain, Nassu is in sight."
"Alright." Mary yelled a bit. "Shall we Miss Sparrow?" Mary held out her hand.
"Why of course Mister Kidd." Sparrow took Mary's hand and was escorted out the room. When they walked outside the first thing they saw was Nassu in sights. Mary went to the wheel and started to direct the ship toward the docks. Sparrow could smell the sand. She had missed the land. She missed her father. When they finally docked the boat Sparrow ran off the boat and fell to the sand.
"Oh land!" Sparrow was trying to hug the grains of sand. Mary came off the ship laughing. She clearly was laughing at Sparrow.
"Come on let's get you some new outfits." Mary pulled Sparrow off the ground and bought her a few gowns. They weren't fancy English dresses like she was used to, but dresses no less. Sparrow changed into a light brown dress and braided strands of her hair here and there. She walked out business and saw Mary loading some more cargo onto her ship. Sparrow decided to help so she grabbed a box only for it to be taken by a crew member.
"He doesn't think you can do it." Mary said walking up to Sparrow.
"Why do you think." Oh, it was because she was a woman. Females were always thought as weak, helpless people. Sparrow scoffed and rolled her eyes. She decided on a change of conversation.
"So what's in the boxes?"
"Rum." Sparrow nodded. Of course, one thing pirates always wanted. Rum.
"C'mon." Mary put an arm around Sparrow lead her away from the ship being loaded. Mary walked her to a tavern. When they climbed the stairs Sparrow saw a redhead woman behind the bar. The woman looked up and saw Mary then smiled.
"Evenin' James." She spoke.
"Anne. I want you to meet Sparrow." Anne's attention shifted to Sparrow.
"Nice to meet ya." Anne gave a warm welcoming smile.
"You to." Sparrow returned the smile. Sparrow winced about when she saw to drunken pirates get into a fight about who knows what. She backed into Mary a bit. Mary smirked at this.
"It's okay love." Mary spoke. Sparrow looked into Mary's eyes and started to drift away in her own world. Not noticing Anne's curious stare.
"Rum?" Anne asked Mary. Snapping Sparrow back into reality.
"Please." Mary broke away from. Sparrow and sat at a table. Sparrow took a seat next to Mary, not wanting to leave her side. Anne leaned behind the bar and pulled at a bottle full of liquid. She set the bottle down in front of Mary. Mary gave Anne a smile.
"On the house James. Again." Anne spoke.
"Thanks lass." Mary smiled, winked, picked up the bottle, pressed it to her lips, and threw her head back. Sparrow stared at the bottle in disgust. Such poison she thought. Mary noticed Sparrow's stare. She extended the bottle to Sparrow.
"Try it first." Mary said. Sparrow just stared at the bottle. She slowly and hesitantly took the bottle. Sparrow pressed the bottle to her lips and lifted it up. She took a single drink of the rum and slammed it back on the table. A sour look crossed her face. She closed her eyes shut and shook her head.
"No more." She slid the bottle back to Mary. Mary started to laugh.
"You'll want more. Trust me." After minutes of watching Mary drink it Sparrow did want more. She tried to fight the urge but she noticed it made the rough weeks on the seas slowly disappear. She extended her hand asking for more. Mary smirked and handed the bottle back to Sparrow. She lifted her head and took 3 gulps.

2 Hours Later

Every word that came out of Sparrows mouth was now slurred. She never stopped drinking the rum. Her and Mary had gone through 3 bottles together.
"More..." Sparrow bent her head back. The words sounded like a whimper.
"I think you had enough." Anne said.
"No. More." Sparrow said.
"Fine." Anne set another bottle down. Mary was no longer drinking. She was now talking to Edward who arrived an hour ago. Almost completely sober. Sparrow chugged the rum. The taste was bitter yet so addicting. She couldn't give it up. She set the bottle down. Her head was spinning. If her father could see her now he would be so disappointed in her. Sparrow tried to stand to walk over to Mary but ended up falling on her ass.
"Shite." Sparrow said. She put her hand on the table as support and lifted herself up. She walked over to Mary with her hands on tables for more support. When she reached Mary she fell into her lap.
"Isn't she drunk." Edward said.
"Shhhh... They'll know." Sparrow said. She drunkly put a finger to her lips. Edward burst out laughing.
"Shut up you idiot!" Sparrow spat. "They'll hear you dumbass. God!"
"James, why would you let her drink." Edward said still chuckling. Mary just shrugged.
"Wanted to see how she'd act I guess."
"They're watching us. See?" Sparrow pointed at to birds on the railing that was watching them. "They smell fear."
"I think it's time for us to leave Sparrow. You've had to much rum." Mary said. Sparrow couldn't really tell but it looked like Mary was smiling. Mary raised up holding Sparrow bridal style and bid Edward a farewell while he was still laughing his head off. She walked away from the tavern and to her ship. She had a crew member open Sparrows door and shut it behind them. She laid the drunken Sparrow on her bed and started to walk off. Sparrows hand jerked up and grabbed Mary's wrist.
"Wait. Don't go." Sparrows words were slurred, but they had meaning. Mary stared at Sparrow but then took off her bandana and laid next to Sparrow. Holding her close. Sparrow laid her head on Mary's chest.
"I can hear your heart." Sparrow said, "it's beautiful." Those were Sparrows last words until she drifted asleep.
"You're beautiful." Mary spoke and fell asleep as well.

Ahhh! My own series is making me want to faint. Ugh! I'm just so absorbed into this story. BTW people message me asking were I got Sparrow from. Um, Pirates of the Caribbean. I might even steal a song from them for Sparrow to sing. Well maybe two songs. Like Jolly Sailor Bold or the song from part three. Well bye loves. Must think of ideas for the next chapter!💋✌💋✌

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