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Yuu's POV
It has been a few weeks since me and Mika became friends.But i kept hearing whispers everytime i walk past this one group of girls.It kept bothering me,but i didn't tell anyone about this.Then one day,the group of girls came to me and dragged me behind the school building.

'What is your relationship between you and mika-kun?' one of the girl asked.I stayed quiet then i felt an extreme pain behind my back and i fell to the ground.'If you don't answer,we will hit you.' the girl said.

'M..me and mika are just friends.' i said still laying on the floor.'Just friends?' the girl ask again.I nodded then i got hit again but now instead of my back,they hit my left leg.I wince in pain.

'Liar...' the girl said.'I..i'm t..telling you the t..truth.' I said gripping my leg.
'If you two were just friends,then why did mika-kun was treating you sweetly than he treated us?' she said.'I..i don't know...' I stuttered.One of the girl then kick my stomach pretty hard till blood was spilling out my mouth.

I cried while gripping my stomach.The pain was too much to bare.'Hey!What the heck are you doing to him?!' I heard a familiar voice shouting.I look up to see a furios looking mika.

Thank god he's here,i thought.

Mika's POV
I didn't see yuu-chan during recess.I was starting to get worried so i search the entire school.I then went outside the school building.Then i heard a familiar voice talking.I followed the voice.I then ran towards the voice when the voice became louder.

It lead me to behind the school building.I heard someone screaming in pain and when i got there i couldn't believe my eyes.I saw a bruised and bleeding yuu-chan and a few girls were surrounding him.

'Hey!What the heck are you doing to him?!' i shouted.All the girl there flinch in surprise and yuu-chan look up.
'M..mika-kun!I..it's not what it looks like...' one of the girl spoke.I reconize her.She was the one that keeps prying into my bussines.

I walk up to that girl and slap her hard.
She fell to the floor and i shouted again
'It is excactly what it looks like!'The girl look up with tears filling her eyes.
'B..but mika-ku...' i interupt her talking and said 'Shut up!I don't wanna hear it!
If i ever see you touching my yuu-chan again,you will regret it.' The other girls help the one i hit,up and walk away.

'M..mi..ka..' I heard yuu-chan said.I turn around to see him crying.I went to him quickly and hug him gently since he has bruises everywhere.

'I'm so sorry,yuu-chan..' I said strocking his hair.Yuu-chan hug me tightly an cried on my chest.'I w..was
soo s..scared,mika.' yuu said betwewn his sobbings.'Shh,it's okay now.I'm here.' i said holding him close to me.

I then carried him bridal style earning a little yelp from yuu-chan.'You're in a bad shape,yuu-chan.Let's take you to the nurses office.' i said walking towards the school entrance with him in my arms.

He kept his face on my chest as we walk through the halls.Everyone was staring and  i sent them death glares and they stop.If looks could kill,i would have killed many people just soo yuu-chan  can be safe.

We got to the nurses office and i put him on the bed carefully.'I'm going to go call the nurse so,stay here okay.' I said before turning around.I then felt someone gripping my shirt.I turn to see
Yuu-chan with his eyes filling with tears.'D..don't take too long...' he stuttered.

I understood that he was still afraid of what happen so i gave him a quick nod and then i called a nurse to check on him.I waited as the nurse was checking if there were any serious injuries.I will kill those girls if yuu-chan can't walk.

The nurse came to me and said 'There's nothing serious.But he has alot of bruises.So i'm suggesting you to take him home so he can rest.And let him stay at home until he heals.I will tell the teachers about this.So don't worry.'
she said smilling.

I nodded and went to see yuu-chan.When I went to the bed where he was laying on,he was watching outside with a tired look.I walk towards him and he turn around as soon as he ralize i was there.

'Hey mika...' yuu-chan said tiredly.
'Hey,yuu-chan.Come on...' i said walking closer to him.'Where are we going?' yuu-chan ask.'I'm bringing you home.' i said and carried him bridal style(again).'Mika,i can walk on my own.' yuu-chan said.'Yea,I doubt that..'
I said.

We took a taxi to his apartment.I held him close to me and he fell asleep..When we got there,I quickly went to his floor and unlock the door.I went to his room and put him down gently.

He groan in pain and I shush him then he was asleep peacefully again.I sat right next to him and decided to stay the night an tell yoichi about this.

Mika:Hey yoichi.Me and yuu went
            to your apartment just now
            cuz yuu-chan wasn't in
            good shape...
Yoichi then replied a few minutes after.

Yoichi:Oh my god.Is he okay,
Mika:Yes,but he has bruises all
            over his body.He's
            resting in bed right now.
Yoichi:I'll tell the others about
              this...see you soon,Mika-
Mika:Kay,see ya...

Wait,what did he meant by others?Did yuu-chan have other friends than kimizuki and yoichi?I waited a few hours and then I heard a lot of footsteps walking towards this room.

The door burst open and there stood a purple haired girl that was shouting
'Yuu-San!' 'Shinoa,I said to be quite.Yuu-kun is sleeping.' Yoichi said.

Well thanks to that purple haired girl,yuu-chan woke up.She then went to hug him tightly.Then yuu-chan scream in pain making the girl flinch and let go.

'Sorry...' she said.Then I saw a few more people entering the room.'Yuu-chan,are these your other friends.' I ask and yuu-chan only nodded.

'Oh so this is mikaela.He looks cute.' the grey haired one spoke.'Shinya,don't get all excited.' the black haired one said.I look at them with confusion.

'Oh,sorry to be rude.My name is Shinya Hiragi.The one with the purple hair is my younger sister,Shinoa Hiragi.The one beside me here is Guren Ichinose.The one with yellow hair beside kimizuki is Mitsuba Sangu.' Shinya introduce everyone that I haven't met yet.

I nodded and introduce myself 'My name's Mikaela Shindo...' I said.
We then talk for a while.Then when it was about to get dark.Everyone left and kimizuki and yoichi went to their room.
Yoichi said I could eat dinner right after he's done cooking.

I kept looking at yuu-chan like he was about to get attack again.'I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier.If I were there,than you wouldn't get...' I was cut off by yuu-chan hugging me.

'It's not your fault,Mika.So don't blame this on you...' he said.I hug back and we stayed like that for a few moments.
'I won't let anyone hurt you,yuu-chan.'
I said breaking the silent.'Thank you,mika...'

Well this was in fact,another long chapter...
I'm soo sorry yuu!I didn't mean to get my baby hurt!
Yuu:I'm fine author-chan...
Author:No you're not!

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