Chapter Three.

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Chittaphon was happily tapping away on the wobbly table, humming to a tune. Skye could feel his feet moving under the table, along to the beat of his hands.

They'd finished walking around the school shortly after their encounter with Jaehyun. Their second class was D&T. Skye was slightly surprised when Chittaphon said he enjoyed design and technology. He said he enjoyed drawing and designing, telling her about some things he'd designed in the past and that they were actually made into 3D objects, including a lamp which he'd designed in year eight.

A pleasant surprise was added when Jaehyun walked through the door to the D&T room. Chittaphon smiled and stopped tapping and moving his feet. Jaehyun saw Chittaphon and returned the smile, then saw Skye and gave her a warm smile. It didn't go unnoticed by Chittaphon.

"How come you're with us?" Chittaphon asked as Jaehyun took the empty seat next to Chittaphon.

"Turns out our classes are merged for D&T and some other subjects," Jaehyun explained, ruffling his hair. Chittaphon raised an eyebrow.

"Which other subjects?" He asked, looking at Skye with a confused look.

"Usually the only classes that merge are D&T, P.E. and maths," Skye told them both, as Jaehyun was also listening, and they both nodded.

"Great, so I have to spend at least three unnecessary hours with you," Chittaphon teased, pulling his mouth into a one-sided smile. Jaehyun laughed under his breath.

"It's not much of a pleasure for me either, Ten," Jaehyun replied, taking a pencil out from his bag and twirling it between four fingers. Skye laughed quietly, thinking their friendship was cute. Why does Jaehyun call him Ten, though? Skye thought to herself. Maybe Chittaphon asked him to call him Ten in school. . . Skye continued, looking lost in thought.

"You okay there?" Jaehyun asked, making Skye break away from her trance. Her eyes were slightly wide as she looked at Jaehyun with a nod.

"Yeah, fine," Skye answered back with a smile. Jaehyun returned the smile. Chittaphon tapped his fingers faster and bit his lip.

The class continued like it would any other day, week or year - except the two new bodies in the room. The stares from other girls did not go unnoticed by Jaehyun nor Chittaphon. It was obvious that they were attractive, but Skye didn't think they woud draw this much attention. She'd heard bickering between the fake girls about how they wanted to get with the exchange students. Now she was wondering whether they really would try to get in either of their pants. Although, no one actually approached their table of three. Maybe it was because it was a practical lesson so everybody was running around with saws, or maybe everyone was admiring from afar. Either way, Skye wasn't too keen on being watched by the other girls.

It's not as if they had previously beaten Skye up or anything. But their mouths spilled the most untrue shit Skye had ever heard. Not to mention they judged everyone and everything they see. By now, Skye thought, they had probably already made mental thoughts on how uncolourful Skye's outfit was. They weren't the type of people Skye liked being around.

The lesson finished quickly, seemingly being too short. Skye retrieved her bag and thanked the world for the other girls not approaching them. Just as she had slung the other not-tight-enough strap on her shoulder, she noticed a brunette girl talking to Chittaphon and Jaehyun. Skye approached slowly, wanting to hear what they were talking about before interrupting them.

"Thailand? That's so cool!" The brunette said, a fake smile on her face. Chittaphon and Jaehyun stood awkwardly, nodding slowly.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks," Jaehyun replied, looking to Chittaphon for some sort of support. Chittaphon shrugged, then looked at Skye. Skye laughed silently. Luckily for him, the brunette was fixing her shirt long enough for her not to notice he was signalling to Skye. Skye walked over to Jaehyun's side, he was closer, then smiled at them both.

"Shall we get going?" Skye said. Jaehyun and Chittaphon were quick to nod.

"Oh, yeah! We needed to go see. . um. ." Chittaphon trailed off, his eyes wandering back to Skye.

"Mr. Lloyd!" Skye finished for him abrubtly.

"Yeah, him. I just forgot his name," Chittaphon chuckled awkwardly, looking at the brunette who had finished fixing her shirt and instead had a confused look on her face. Then she looked at Skye.

"Skye! I didn't know you knew them," The brunette said with too much enthusiasm.

"Hello, Faith." Skye said, her voice dripping in boredom.

"Yeah, we were just talking about Thailand. It sounds amazing, maybe you could take me there one day!" Faith said, turning back to Jaehyun and Chittaphon.

"Sure." Jaehyun replied, not sounding too promising.

"Let's leave." Skye said, eyeing Jaehyun and Chittaphon. They nodded, putting their bags on hastily.

"Wait! What are your names?" Faith asked, louder as they were now outside the door.

"Ten." Chittaphon answered.

"Jae." Jaehyun answered after. They hurriedly walked away from the door.

"Skye, who was that?" Chittaphon asked, seeming quite scared.

"Faith. She's. . . Very manipulative. ." She answered. "My best advice is to steer clear of her and any other of her friends." Skye told them. They both made a mental note of what she had said, before they walked to their next lessons.


The day rushed by quickly. They had finished their six lessons of the day, and were now walking to the school's entrance. Jaehyun had met them at some point while they were walking, catching up to them after last lesson. Skye had learnt from Chittaphon that they were staying at a hostel nearby.

"Well, today was fun." Chittaphon stated as they stopped at the entrance.

"Indeed." Skye replied, nodding slightly.

"Thanks for showing me around and stuff. . . I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Chittaphon said, tilting his head and smiling. Skye smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." Skye agreed, a bigger smile on her face. Jaehyun smiled at her, saying a quick "goodbye" before him and Chittaphon went in the other direction from Skye.

As they walked, Skye looked at them for a while, thinking. Why was she being so friendly towards complete strangers? She had no idea. Perhaps it was because they themselves give off friendly vibes. She decided on that thought, before being interrupted by a tap on her shoulder.

"Where have you been all day?" The slightly taller dark-haired girl questioned.

"I had to show some guys around school." Skye explained to her as they started walking in the direction of their houses.

"Those exchange students?!" She asked, her voice too high pitched for Skye's liking.

"Yes, Aria." Skye told her, motioning for her to calm down.

"And you didn't think to introduce me to them?!" She pushed, sounding offended. Skye shrugged.

"Why would I?" She asked, looking at Aria. Aria scoffed, then laughed.

"Have you seen how gorgeous they both are?" Aria said lowly, raising her eyebrows. Skye frowned. Aria tutted, shaking her head. "Tomorrow, promise to introduce them to me." Aria asked, smiling widely.

"If it will make you shut up, then sure." Skye agreed as Aria squealed. "Just. . Don't try to get in their pants." Skye said seriously. Aria smiled and laughed quietly.

"I said that they were gorgeous, not that I wanted to get pregnant." Aria retorted, punching Skye lightly on the arm. Skye smiled at Aria as they continued their walk.

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