Chapter Nine.

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"You coming?" Chittaphon was taken out of his trance at the question. He looked up to see Skye stood by his table, smiling. Chittaphon got up, picking his bag up off of the floor and standing next to Skye. Skye smiled at him, beginning to walk towards the door to exit the classroom. Chittaphon followed her out of the room, spotting Jaehyun already outside of the classroom and waiting for them (or maybe just Skye, Chittaphon thought). 

Jaehyun greeted them both when he saw them come out of the room. Chittaphon nodded with a small smile, whilst Skye smiled with a slight pink tint to her cheeks. 

The three of them walked to P.E., Jaehyun stood in the middle of Skye and Chittaphon. Chittaphon wasn't paying attention to the conversation the others were having. He was minding his own business, focusing on other students around them. 

"So, is there anyone here that you're particularly interested in?" Jaehyun asked Skye casually, leaning in slightly closer. 

"If it's in the way I think you mean, then no," She answered. blushing. She kicked herself at her reply, wishing she'd said something more flirtatious. She'd never been much good at flirting, but technically she was telling the truth. She didn't like anyone in a romantic way - yet. "What about you?" Skye turned to Jaehyun and their eyes met. 

"There's this one girl who has caught my eye. She's quite cool," Jaehyun told her, nodding his head slightly. Skye felt her face heat up and her heart skip a few beats. Jaehyun must've noticed her flustered reaction as he chuckled and straightened out a bit. Skye looked away, trying to hide her flushed face. 

"What about you, Ten?" Jaehyun asked. Chittaphon's eyes were wide as he shook his head, signalling he had no idea what they were talking about. Skye let out a quiet laugh, as did Jaehyun. "Any girls caught your eye?" Jaehyun asked Chittaphon. Chittaphon frowned.

"Uh, no." He shook his head, mumbling his words. "Also, who said only girls could catch my eye?" Chittaphon said with a half-smirk-half-smile. Skye and Jaehyun both laughed at his rhetorical question, Jaehyun also winking at him. 

"So there's really no one you like here?" Skye spoke, leaning forward so she could see Chittaphon's face. Their eyes met as Chittaphon hesitantly shook his head with a small smile. Chittaphon and Jaehyun went through one door into the males' changing room and Skye went through the other to the females' changing room.

Once again, Skye sat on the bench watching the netball game taking place in front of her. She got distracted when she heard sudden shouting from the other side of the gym. She tried to find where the shouting was coming from, when her eyes found Jaehyun. He was dribbling the ball down the court in a very fast manor. She now figured out the shouts were something along the lines of "go on Jae!". She watched him as he bounced the ball to the other end of the court, shooting the ball into the basket a few seconds after. His team all applauded him, a chorus of whoos sounding in the gym. She clapped subtly, smiling. 

Chittaphon looked over to Skye's direction and saw her watching Jaehyun being patted on the back by his teammates. He noticed her smile and that she was clapping. He sighed, walking over to a suitable place to claim the ball once the game started again. 

Someone from the opposing team got the ball first, bouncing it in the direction Chittaphon was standing at. Once the student came close, Chittaphon snatched the ball from his hands and started bouncing it up the court, in the same way Jaehyun had.

Chittaphon didn't see an opposing team member come running up to him. He only saw his vision being tilted on its side as he was pushed over onto the floor, then felt pain all over his lower body. He looked down to see the same player sprawled out on his legs, seemingly having hurt himself too. The opposing member moved slightly, trying to get off of Chittaphon. The latter suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower leg, letting out a quiet cry. 

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