Sophomore Year

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Hi, my name is Esmé Knight. I'm a 15 year old Sophomore at Quinlan High. I'm currently 5ft 6in in height with deep blue eyes and long wavy hair.

Omg I'm stuck in this class with all these childish children. At least I've got Knalla, AJ, Neoma, Moni, Lisa, and Terra. "Ms. Knight since you wanna stare off into space I would like for you to answer number 4 on the board," says my teacher Mrs. Tyre. Oh no, why do teachers always wanna call on me. Well here goes nothing. "Yes ma'am," I say in a bored manner.

4. What was the name of the U. S. Cavalry group that Theodore Roosevelt led during the Spanish - American War?
A.    The Tough Riders
B. The Rough Riders
C. The Rough and Tough Riders

I actually know this one! You would think she would at least try to pick a hard one, but who cares. "Well, Ms. Knight are you going to answer the question or should I just give you a zero and be done with it," Mrs. Tyre says impatiently. "The answer is B The Rough Riders," I say with confidence. "The answer is B, you are correct," Mrs. Tyre says in defeat. She thought she was gonna get me this time. She never learns her lesson does she. No matter how off guard I seem, I am always prepared.


Yes, finally, I'm out of that class. "Hey, Esmé, that was some quick thinking," says Knalla. "Thanks, it was a close call, but I was ready for it," I say matter-of-factly. Omg it's him. It is Saiun. I can't describe how happy I am right now. "Esmé, Esmé. Esmé!," Knalla says waving her hand in front of my face. "Y-yes what is it Knalla," I ask hurriedly. "I was asking you if you did Mrs. Symetra's homework," Knalla says for the second time. "Oh, yeah I did that yesterday," I say relieved. "Really! Can I see it," Knalla asks full of hope. "Sure," I answer smoothly.

"Come in, put your homework in the basket, sit at your desks, and get started on your bell ringers," Mrs. Symetra says in one breath. Ugh she forever has us doing work. School's almost over, and she is still giving tons of work. Why can't we just chill the rest of the year. Ugh time is going by so slowly. It's only been 15 minutes in 2nd Period. "Now that that is out of the way, Today y'all will be doing group work," Mrs. Symetra announces plainly. Please be something fun. Please be something easy. Omg I hope I get one of my friends in my group. "It will be groups of two, and I will let y'all pair up on your own," she says as she sits at her desk. "I CALL ESMÉ," they all yell in unison. Uh oh. Who do I choose?

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