Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

(Neil Never Loved Me/ Kissing Courtesans/ Leah's Confession/ I'll Miss You)

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Neil jumped up to his feet.

"Neil, calm down..."

"No, James, I will not fuckin' calm down! This arse thinks he's Leah's boyfriend!"

"Neil, I don't mean to make you upset, but you and Dylan aren't dating." Louis smiled a little, genuinely smiling, no hidden sarcasm. "She's your companion. It's kind of like being a business partner, only having to do with the business of romance."

"It's not a bloody business deal! She loves me! Nothing yeh say can-- You're a deluded pleasurer yeh are!"

"I'm not one to argue, but you aren't the only client she's had in her life. Has she mentioned Monroe? Henry? Vaughn? Probably not, but I've been there throughout it all. We were going to be married before she was called on to be your companion. That didn't stop her from seeing me." He did sound sorry, but there was no negativity behind it, obviously.

I knew I shouldn't have, but I decided to speak up. "I think she mentioned Monroe earlier..."

"What?! When?! When were yeh gonna tell me?!" Neil glared at me, extremely upset.

"I didn't think it had any meaning, Neil!"

"What exactly did she say?!"

"She said 'Monroe never loved me. Neil never loved me.' or something like that, but after that she started screaming the name 'Louis' over and over." I tried to shrug it off, but it really bothered him.

"She said she didn't think I loved her?"


Within a second, Neil was running to the door, pounding on it, yelling at the doctors inside to let him in. One opened the door, greeting us with a sour expression, but turned happy when he saw Louis. He grabbed Louis' wrist and pulled him through the door, Neil dragging me behind him. The doctor showed his expression of annoyance, but quickly focused on Louis. Leah was still screaming and crying, but they had managed to get her on her knees. There were a few doctors passed out on the floor, small amounts of blood surrounding them, who had suffered Leah's rage as she shoved them off of her, doing more damage than intended.

Dr. Peters kept yelling at Hannah, and she filled up syringes, shooting them into Leah's legs and side. The sedatives were useless, but they tried everything to get her to sleep. When Dr. Peters saw Louis, he yelled at him to come towards Leah. Louis dropped his shocked expression of Leah, and rushed to the doctor's side. "Yes, sir?" 

"Talk to her. Say anything! We are almost out of Bolerise!"

Louis began to talk to Leah, shouting, begging her to calm down. He put his hands on her shoulders and she stopped screaming, almost instantly. She breathed heavily, looking right at him. She put her hands on his shoulders, feeling his neck, like she was making sure he was real. She smiled a little, gaining back her sanity. "L-Louis?"

"Yeah, Dylan, I'm here." He ran his hands through her wet hair.

"You-- You love me, don't you?" She said, sucking in sobs.

"Of course." She laughed at his words, smiling even brighter than when we first met. She threw her arms around his neck, pulling him close, still giggling. When she was done, she held his face and kissed him. It was passionate, full of joy, and it just made you feel just as happy as she was. Then, I realized how horrible of a situation it was when I looked at Neil.

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