Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

(Barely Alive/ Party Chatter/ Birthday Presents)

"Don't move, James." I wanted to slap Neil for saying something so dumb, but I couldn't move. If I did, the fainter would kill me in a second. 

"Neil, put your keys in my palm." I wiggled a few of my fingers, the Fainter breathing heavier. As Neil slowly placed his keys in my hand, the Fainter raised its paw, causing Neil to freeze. Their paws were almost like large, wide, fingers, because they could be moved one at a time. It traced its claw across my cheek, scaring it, as I tried my hardest not to scream from the pain. Not only did the slicing hurt, but I had heard that their claws were dripped in acid and I was proven right, because it stung much worse than any regular cut. I could feel blood dripping down my cheek, mixing with the tears formed from the idea that I couldn't scream.

Before it attacked, I felt the keys finally land into my hand. Without a second thought, I chucked the keys through the broken windshield towards the cars left empty ahead of us. The Fainter screeched an ear-piercing sound, pouncing onto Neil, ripping his jeans, causing him to scream. It jumped onto the hood of the car, heading towards the keys. We threw open the doors, running in the opposite direction. The Fainter spotted us, and began to hunt us again. I could feel all the air leaving my lungs as I ran in a curvy pattern, trying to confuse the beast. Unfortunately, Neil wasn't in his right mind. 

I stopped when I heard a short, breathy, yell escape Neil's lips. I stopped, turned around, and pondered on what to do. I couldn't think too long since the beasts mouth was latched on to Neil's calf and he was screaming. I looked around to find something to use against it. We were in one of the parks, the Nall Memorial, which was surrounded by an old rusting fence: a bunch of metal poles wrapped with a multitude of thin, metal wires. 

I grabbed a pole, slowly pulling it out of the ground. The top was somewhat sharp, sharp enough to stab the Fainter. I pulled harder as Neil screamed louder, running as soon as the pole left the ground. I charged towards the beast, yelling, so I could distract it from Neil. The Fainter lurched at me, and I nervously reacted. 

The sharp edge soon met the Fainter's chest, causing him to screech again. As I shoved it through, I caught a good look at the beasts face. It resembled someone I knew. As it wailed in pain, the Fainter's face molded into something else, another face:


 He fell on the ground, trying to grasp the pole and get it out of its chest, but I just ran to Neil, still in shock from seeing Neil's face on the beast. There were gashes in his legs, left over from the Fainter's teeth planted in them. There was a hole, pouring out blood, being the biggest cause of Neil's agony. I wrapped his calf with my cardigan, as a temporary bandage. He couldn't move, so I threw him over my shoulder. He was heavy, but that wasn't a concern. The party was just a block away, so I decided to take him to the building, and get help there. I needed a phone anyway. 

As I opened the door to the Recreational building, I was greeted by a smiling Rin, whose face slowly turned to shock as she saw Neil over my shoulder. She ran towards us, her short blackish pink dress affecting her run. Her messy bun was falling out, and a few black lines dripped down her face from tears. She knew exactly what happened, looking at her stub, trying not to remember her horror. "He needs help, he can't move."

"He's passed out, I-I can call Town Hall. Go ahead and enjoy your birthday, James."

"But Neil--"

"But Neil nothing. Go." She yelled. I took one last look on her face, realizing whose face the beast resembled before Neil. It was the same beast who attacked Rin.

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