The Story Of Us: Chapter 5

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"Elise, stop staring!" I whispered, following her gaze to see Kade standing with his arm around his girlfriends waist.

"It's hard not to" She snapped back. "They could at least go somewhere else"

I sighed, standing up and walking into the changerooms to find Becky-Lee, Abigail and Jacinta. When I heard what they were saying though, I wished I was still outside.

"I can't believe you!" Jacinta screamed, pointing at Abigail and Becky-Lee. They were both standing in front of the sink, pale and shaking.

"Why would I lie about something this serious?!" She yelled, her blonde hair falling in front of her face. "Out of all the people I told, i thought i could trust you most!" She turned around as Jadee entered the room, and pounced at her.

"Dont hang out with these girls, they will only say stuff about you behind your back.  You deserve better than them, anyway"  Jacinta stormed over to where I was standing, still shocked from the fight. 

"Are you coming, or are you staying with them?" She asked, jerking her head over to where Becky-Lee and Abigail were standing, tears running down their faces. I noticed that the mirror behind them was cracked, and glass covered the floor at their feet, a few drops of blood shining brightly on top.

"I'm staying with them. They are my friends, and I know they always will be" As soon as I had said it, i knew it was right. 

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