The Story Of Us: Chapter 7

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I stared blankly at the sheet in front of me, blinking to make sure the words on it were correct.

Student Leaders 2011









I couldn't believe that we had all become student leaders together. This was going to be fun.


"Oii! you gonna move those feet of yours?" I didn't even have to stop my conversation with Elise and Crystal to know who was talking. I pulled my feet up to my chest and waited for Jay to sit down. We were on the bus to the junior-school swimming carnival, where we had to help out for the day. As soon as Jay had sat down, he grabbed the earphone hanging around my shoulder and stuck it in his ear, groaning when he realised what song it was.

"Boy, you got my heartbeat running away," I started to sing, and Crystal and Elise joined in. "Beating like a drum and it's coming your way! can't you hear that boom ba-doom boom bass, that boom ba-doom boom bass yeah that super bass!" We screamed out the last word, and Troy and Kade turned around from the front of the bus and cast us a weird look which made us all crack up laughing.

"Hey guys, there's something me and Jay-" I began to say, but stopped at the sound of footsteps, Kade and Troy had joined us. I saw Elise turn and look out of the window as Becky-Lee jumped up and gave Kade a huge hug, which completely surprised him. I looked at Troy and smiled, and he smiled back before taking a quick glance at Crystal, whose face had gone bright red. The boys finally left us, and Ellse started reading a story to us off her ipod, which involved a lot of confusing names.

"Be right back" Jay muttered, taking the earphone out of his ear and letting it drop to my side. He got up and walked over to where Kade and Troy had gone to sit down, and filled up the empty seat behind them, joining in their conversation. By the way they kept looking up to the back of the bus, it was pretty easy to guess what they were talking about, but us girls pretended we didnt notice and let Elise continue reading.


"Hey Elise, come on!" Abigail yelled, and I grabbed the closest bottle of yellow face paint before following her, Becky-Lee, Carly and Crystal through the rows of kids. I sat down on a plastic chair and opened the bottle in my hand, as Becky-Lee yelled "Get into two lines!" and our face-painting tent was filled with short, screaming kids.

After about an hour the lines had died down, and we took the opportunity to paint our own faces and go to the canteen. Abigail and I went to get some drinks and have a quick break while the others kept painting the occasional face that turned up.

"So what do you think of Troy and Crystal?" I asked Abigail, as the lady behind the counter gave us our change and drinks.

"I'm not sure, it depends what Crystal wants I guess. I think they would be a pretty cute couple, but they are good friends and don't want to ruin that." She replied honestly, sipping her frozen coke as we walked over to the playground and sat down on the swings. We sat in silence for awhile, watching all the little kids with happy faces run around the pool before getting told off by the teachers. Finally Abigail broke the silence.

"Jay asked me out last night." She said, and I felt so happy for her. i knew she said yes without even having to ask, and the thought of cute couples made me look around for Kade. Finally, my eyes found him over near the diving blocks, where he was with his girlfriend. They looked really uncomfortable around each other, and at first I thought it was because Kade didn't want to get too close to her and risk losing his student-leader role. But after a while, I realised it was a lot more than that, they were definitely fighting. I gasped as the girl swung her arm around and shouted something in Kade's face, and Abigail's eyes followed my gaze. 

"Come on" She said, and I let her drag me away, as the whistle sounded and the girl dived into the pool.


"Has anyone seen Kade?" Troy shouted over to where we were packing up our paints. I turned around and shook my head, realising I hadn't seen Kade since I was with Elise. All the other girls shook their heads and Troy sighed, walking off in the direction of the boys bathroom. 

"I wonder where he is?" Elise said, and I saw Becky-Lee throw her a suspicious glance. 

"Probably just cleaning up with gay Jay" Carly laughed.

"HEY!" shouted Jay indignantly from behind her, where he was packing up boxes to put them into the bus.

"I was joking, dont get your knickers in a knot!"

I laughed quietly to myself, walking over to where Carly was standing.

"Watch out, my boyfriend's a strong one" I whispered in her ear, as I dumped a box of gear at her feet. "And you can take that one up to the bus, thanks." I wish I had a camera to take a photo of Carly's face, as she looked from Jay to me, with her mouth hanging open. I smiled to myself and grabbed Jay's hand, before we walked up to the bus together, Carly still mouthing words of shock behind us.

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