The Story Of Us: Chapter 8

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"Why do we have to sit on the other side of the oval?" Monica complained as we sat down under a tree, instantly grabbing her phone out of her pocket and going on facebook. Elise landed next to me, Abigial and Jay sitting in front of us and Carly settled down next to Monica.

"Where's Jacinta?" Carly asked, completely ignoring Monica's question and taking a quick look around. We all shrugged, turning to face the classrooms to look for her. We had finally decided to forgive Jacinta for lying about the cancer, though things were really different. Whenever we sat together the atmosphere was cold and tense, and it always took awhile for anybody to talk. 

"She wasn't talking very much in drama, I hope she's okay..." It was silent for awhile as we all watched Abigail stab sticks into the ground, blocking up ant nests and driving the little creatures insane. 

"Poor things" Jay mumbled, indicating to the ants.

"They are not! They are stupid little bugs that don't deserve to live! Bugs are gay!" Carly cried, and her and Jay argued with each other for a few minutes, Abigail and Elise laughing softly. Finally I got sick of their yelling, and tried to shut them up.

"GUYS IM PREGNANT!" I screamed to get their attention, and a few year sevens looked over at me. Carly stopped mid sentence to look at me, eventually understanding what I had just said.

"LOL jokes, now shut up." I said, and Carly got up and walked off, saying something about needing to find Jacinta. Things were quiet for awhile, before everyone started talking again, things finally getting back to normal.


"Hey, have you seen Jacinta?" I asked for about the hundredth time, always getting the same answer.

"Nope, sorry" I sighed, wondering where she could be. I looked into a nearby classroom, scanning the room searching for her before my eyes fell on a poster on the back wall. It had been there all year long, a coloured piece of paper that describes you and your favourite things. I had always liked this one but I had never been close enough to read it until now. Down the side was Jacinta's name, and towards the right it described her favourite food, colour, and finally her favourite place. 

'My favourite place would have to be Summer's Cliff, I have been there every year since I was little and it is a great place to go and let your feelings out.' 

I read the sentence again and again until I had memorised it, then called my mum and asked her to pick me up from school. She didn't ask any questions, saying she would be there in ten minutes. I grabbed my bag and walked to the front of the school, jumping in mum's awaiting car and speeding towards Summer's Cliff.

I arrived a few minutes later at the edge of a long, winding dirt track. I knew the car wouldn't be able to go down there, so instead I walked, making my mum stay in the car.

The track was long and skinny, with branches coming in from every angle and scratching my arms until they bled. I started to think that I had gotten the wrong place and that I should turn around and go back to the car, but something made me keep going until i reached the sound of ocean. 

It took my eyes a second to adjust to the sudden light, and I realised why Jacinta loved this place. It was a small cliff surrounded by bush, overlooking the ocean. I could hear waves crashing below me and I closed my eyes and breathed in the smell of salt until I remembered why I was there. My eyes flew open, revealing the ocean and cliff, with Jacinta's small body standing on the edge, ready to fall.

"NO!" I screamed, running forwards with my arms open. "Don't do it!" Jacinta slowly turned around, her face glistening with tears. She stood on the rock face, swaying gently in the breeze. Her blonde hair whipped behind her and her innocent face looked straight forward, pale but emotionless. I could feel tears running down my own face as I watched her, not sure what she would do next.

"Jacinta, please. Nobody wants you to do this. What you did was wrong, you know that now and we all forgave you. Please, don't do it." I whispered, the wind carrying my words to her.

"I'm sorry" She whispered back, but she didn't move away from the cliff face. 

"What about your family? What about everyone else at school? What about Elise, Monica, Abigail and Becky-Lee? What about Jadee? She's your best friend! Your just going to leave them without saying goodbye?"  My heart pounded in my chest with every beat, and i fought the urge to pass out. My mouth was going dry and my voice was fading, but I was too scared to stop talking.

"They don't need me ruining their lives," Was all Jacinta said. "They deserve better, and so do you and the other girls. I have ruined everything, nothing will ever be the same again."

"You don't mean that. Jacinta nobody cares what you have done! Everyone has forgiven you, we just don't want you to do this." Jacinta finally took a step away from the cliff face, and my heart lifted. Her face had finally broken into her beautiful smile that everyone wants, and she whiped the tears off her face. I ran towards her again, ready to give her a big hug, as something caught my eye. Along the coast about 20 metres away, the rock face had begun to collapse.

"JACINTA! LOOK OUT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, but it was too late. The ground below her feet cracked, and a split second later Jacinta was falling off the side of the cliff towards the water below. I sprinted to the edge and looked down into the water, realising it was too late, as Jacinta's screams trailed off then stopped.

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