Chapter 3: I'm Done!

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Selena POV
"Jay? Your phone is ringing. I'll get it for–" I said while looking at the phone. I realize it's a text message and I unlock his phone because.. I have the right to. I'm his girl.


"What's wrong Selena?" Jay said while walking over to her and realizing what's on the phone.

"What the actual fuck?" I said while looking at him.

"Selena–" Jay said..

"How could you Jay?" I said while picking up the phone and throwing it at him then running.

"Baby, It's not what you think" Jay said while picking up the phone running after me.

"You ASSHOLE!" I say while running outside into Nicky's arms. Everyone began to look at Jay confused & walk up to me.

"Wassup with y'all?" Nicky says while holding me looking at Jay confused. "Wassup with you? Why did you come running to me like that? You okay?" Nicky asked while looking at me with warmth and security. That's what I loved about Nicky. She always seemed like she cared.. Never Jay.

"Jay–" I say while tearing and moping.

"Jay what Selena?" Bree & Neva said concerned walking towards me hugging me.

"Jay cheated on me with Kimberly Soranto. Apparently they have been dating for the past 5 months while we have been dating. I saw the long ass message she sent him talking about how he doesn't treat her right" while removing myself from Nicky and walking up to Jay.

"How could you Jay? Now I know why all those times you didn't come over or say you had something important to do you we're with her huh? I should have known! I am so fucking stupid! The signs we're there! When you couldn't explain what you had to do at certain times.. I should have known then. That's why she is always mean mugging me and sneak dissing me. We've been together for so long. I trusted you, loved you, helped you, supported you through your ups and downs and this is how you do me? You fuck with Kimberly? Is this because I never had sex with you? You know what.. FUCK YOU JAY!" I yell while kicking Jay in is balls.

"DDDDAAAAAAAAMMMMMM" Nicky, Bree, & Neva say while laughing. Jay lies down on the ground helplessly and cries while holding his junk.

"Don't you ever call me, text, or look at me ever again." I say while walking to the trunk and throw his suitcases on top of him and run into the house and get a bottle of bleach and a match.

"Whoa. What are you doing Selena?" Nicky says while rushing over to me grabbing both my wrists.

"I have to Nicky, It'll make me feel better. Just let me go.." I say while pouring the bleach on Jay's clothes and lighting the match throwing it on his clothes. Jay jumps up and runs over to Bree & Neva while watching his belongings blow up.

"You Bitch!" Jay says while charging over to me. Nicky comes in between me and him and punches Jay in the face and slams him to the ground.

"Don't you EVER TRY THAT AGAIN OR I WILL PERSONALLY HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU. You my nigga and all Jay but you will not hit the woman I love." Nicky said while looking at Jay with big brown eyes & adrenaline rushing through her body.

"What?" Jay & I say in unison.

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