Chapter 6: Promise Me

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Nick POV
When I was finished I went to the bathroom and washed my strap off. I dried it and put it back in my suit case and layed back down naked with Selena. She turned around and looked at me with lust in her eyes and kissed me once again. I really love this girl a lot. I just hope after this she would still look at me the same after this. Selena stopped kissing me and looked at me with those big brown eyes that I love.

"Nicky?" She said nervously biting her lip.

"Yeah?" I say while pulling her on top of me while looking into her eyes again.

"Can you promise me something?" Selena asked me putting her hands behind my head

"Yeah ma. Wassup?" I said looking at her.

"Don't get mad at me for asking either because I know that you get you little attitudes on the side and throw a bitch fit if you don't like it." Selena said looking at me with an eyebrow raised.

"What do you mean? That is so not true yo." I say wrapping my arms around her smiling at her.

"Yes it is. Remember when your mother said you couldn't keep that dog that we found at the park like 3 years ago?" She said pinching my nose

"That isn't fair Selena. She knew I wanted that damn dog." Frowning at her.

"Yeah.. Whatever."

"You mad or something?" I say laughing lifting her off of me flipping her over pinning her hands down to the bed kissing her neck slowly moaning softly in her ear.
"No daddy. I'm just stating facts." She says while moaning softly biting her lip.

"Whatever. Wassup though? What did you want me to promise you?" I say while getting off of her sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Oh yeah" She says while leaning up and sits criss cross apple sauce next to me.

"I want you to promise me.."

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