Chapter 4: Do I Love Her?

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Selena POV
"Don't you EVER TRY THAT AGAIN OR I WILL PERSONALLY HAVE TO DEAL WITH YOU. You my nigga and all Jay but you will not hit the woman I love." Nicky said while looking at Jay with big brown eyes & adrenaline rushing through her body.

"What?" Jay & I say in unison.

Nick POV
What the hell did I just say? I really fucked up now. I have no idea what came over me! I guess my feelings got the best of me. It was about time it came out anyways.

"What did you just say?" Selena & Jay say in unison.

"That isn't important right now. Don't you ever lay or attempt to lay a hand on a woman again? Got it?" I say as I take Selena's keys to lock up her house. I close the trunk, put out the fire with the water hose, & get into the driver seat.

"Y'all ready to go or not?" I say as I start the car up and hunk the horn. Everyone looked around confused.

"Yeah." Bree & Neva said while getting in the back seat.

"Come on Selena! We don't have all day." Neva said while getting out the car to pull Selena into the passenger seat.

Neva puts Selena in the car and I pull off into the street heading to our destination.. Virginia Beach here we come. There was silence for about an hour until Selena broke the silence.

Selena POV
We have been sitting in this car for about an hour now and I need answers. I am so confused and overwhelmed right now. From Jay cheating on me, to the fight, & the confession Nick made? I need to talk to her but.. I don't want to make it awkward. I hope she still isn't upset about what happened earlier? I should just ask her while Bree & Neva are knocked out.

"Hey Nicky?" I said while looking at the side of her face.

"Wassup ma?" She say's taking her eye off the wheel looking at me.

"Would you care to explain to me what happened back there?" I said holding Nicky's free wrist and pouting looking at her trying to get her to calm down.

"I was afraid of you asking me this." she say's while still driving and keeping her eyes on the road.

"I mean.. You just said that you LOVE me Nicky and expect me not to wonder? If it concerns the word 'Love' of course I'm going to ask you. Do you–"

"How about this. When we get to the hotel, we will talk about this? Please?" She asked looking into my eyes.

I hesitated for a minute but nodded to agree. I really wanted to talk about it now because, I'm curious. Nicky loved me? Really? For how long? I mean I don't like girls but.. I mean.. I do love her. I just don't know how much I do.

Maybe I do love Nicky.. More than I ever had. She has been there for me for a long time. I could always be myself around her and she never judged me. Maybe.. Just maybe.. I wanna be with her? Maybe. Why is this so goddamn hard?!


Nicky POV
Well.. We got to our hotel safely. We're all checked in and ready to go. Neva & Bree have their own room.. Selena & I are sharing since.. It was supposed to be both her & Jay but.. That isn't going to happen so I canceled the reservation to my room and I'll just crash with Selena. We all went sight-seeing and took a bunch of pictures since Neva wanted to make a scrapbook.

Afterwards we all ate and went back to our rooms. Selena & I haven't talked much since we we're in the car.. Which is slightly awkward because we always talk. So I decided to shower before she hits me with that situation that happened earlier. Selena then did the same and sat on the couch. Did I mention that there is only one bed in here?

"Come lay with me ma?" I said to Selena.

"Okay" Selena said while turning off the lights and got into bed and laid up on my chest. I really do love this girl. I have to have her. She truly got a nigga fucked up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her playing in her hair looking at the TV.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you ready to talk about this Nicky?" Selena asked while lifting her head up.

"Yeah. Wassup baby girl?" I said while looking up.

"Is it true? You love me Nicky? Tell me the truth." Selena said while getting closer to my face. I could feel her cool breath on my lips. Her breath smelled like mint. Goddamn.. She is just so sexy even when she doesn't try to be. I swear I could just kiss her now.

"Yes ma. It's true. For the past 4 years I have & always will. I never said anything because you were with Jay and I didn't want to jeopardize anything between y'all because, y'all loved one another. You mean so much to me Selena, you just don't know. I would take a bullet for you. I love you to death and I wanna be with you. I know you're not gay but–" Selena interrupted me with a passionate kiss.

She then got on top of me and began to lick my lips while pulling my hair and pulling me closer. I opened my mouth letting her enter as she massaged her tongue with mine. I realized what we were doing and I stopped her.

"What just happened?" I asked while turning the lamp back on looking into her eyes while she was still on top of me.

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