Chapter 13: Us

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Jaemin's POV:

"Hey come in, I'll send you home." Jimin said

"Ohh.. Okay.." I open the door and went in the car. It's so weird for me to be with him privately although we're siblings.

"So Minmin.. Where do you live?" He asked

"Erm.. I'll show you the way."

The entire car ride was silent and awkward. I could sense Jimin Oppa want to talk about something but he doesn't know how to talk.

"Hey.. Jaemin." He cleared his throat

"Yeh?" I looked towards him. His concentrating face is attractive, the way he looks at the road and the way his hand is on the steering wheel and everything is so hot.

He hesitated for awhile before saying something weird.

"You got no jams." And then he began laughing non stop.

Jimin's POV:

The car ride was so quiet.. I need to say something

"Hey.. Jaemin."


*gosh.. I'm not sure how I'm going to say this.. Aish! Screw it! I'm just going to say something else..*

Erm... After thinking about what to talk.

I said "You got no jams." And began laughing. Jaemin didn't understand the humor though.. And now i look like a complete idiot laughing.

>>Fast Forward<<

"Thank you for the ride home Chimchim--"

"Err wait Jaemin!" I grabbed her hand which is about to open the door and turn her to face me.

"Can you call me 'Oppa?' " I asked shyly

"Ohh Erm.. Sure Oppa.." She looked down blushing. She's so cute that I want to just hug her and kiss her.

And so I did, I pulled her closer to me and gave her a tight hug and then kissed her on the forehead, her face got even redder.

"Bye Oppa!" She quickly said and ran out of my car.

Did I scare her? I looked at her back view until she's completely gone, and then I went back.

Jaemin's POV:

"Rise and shine sleepy head." I could hear Rena hitting my butt to wake me up.

"School again?" I groaned in frustration, today shall be my doomsday. All girls will come beating the shit out of me and bully me whenever they could. Not to mention, nasty comments.

"Yes. Oh and a guy who oddly have the same name as your brother is here." Rena said and my ears perked up, eyes became bigger as she mentioned about 'Jimin'. I sprinted towards the bathroom, wash my face, took a shower, brush my teeth and got into my uniform and then ran out.

"Oppa? What are you doing here?" I asked Jimin who was making himself comfortable on my couch.

"Well. I'm going to send you to school today." He said and stood up, he dusted his uniform and came to me, only to grab my hand softly and bringing me out.

"I'll take good care of her, don't worry." He smiled at Rena Unnie and I swear I could hear Rena's heartbeat, oh wait, or is it mine?

"Oppa.. Why so sudden?"

"Huh? What?" He unlocked his car and open the door for me to get in.

"Why are you sending me to school all of a sudden? And how did you know which unit I live in?" I asked

"Well... With my look and body, it's not impossible to let the security guard tell me where you live. And... I just feel like sending you there.. I--I don't want Taehyung to be the only one that send you to school.." He said and I smiled when he start to stutter.

"What about Jm? Do you not need to accompany her?" I looked at him in curiosity

"We broke up--"

"What when?"

"Yesterday. I had enough of her, how dare she do bad things to you." He said as he grips on the steering wheel get harder.

I didn't even realize that we have already reached school because we talked about so much stuff, like grades, food and of course, dance.

V's POV:

*aish where is that girl..* I waited and waited, if she doesn't appear within the next 5 minutes, I'm going to be late for school.

*did something happen to her? Aishhhh* I groaned as I kept looking towards the bus stop where she always stand.

All of a sudden, my phone vibrated. It was a new message from Jimin.

From: Jamless Tart
Hey V, I've fetched Jaemin so just come to school. And sorry for not informing you, didn't know you would really wait for her every morning

As I read the message, I felt something in me. It was a mixture between anger and disappointment.

*did I just got played by Jaemin? Does she find me boring already and moved on to another one? Aish this girl..*

That day, I skipped lesson, I don't have the mood to go to school. I can't face Jimin and Jaemin.. Who knows, maybe they're already an item.. And my chance of getting Jaemin will be lower and lower.

Suga's POV:

"Are you sure you told V about it? Maybe he's still waiting." Jaemin asked worriedly

We are now at the cafeteria in school to have our lunch, Jaemin was between Jimin and Jungkook who is sitting opposite of me.

"I did told him, he last seen me.. Maybe he's not feeling well?" Jimin answered

"Let's visit him after school." I suggested

"Andweh.. We have detention to serve remember?" Jaemin pouted

"Aish. Fuck detentions. I don't give a shit about it anyways." I said

"But I care, if we skip detention, it will accumulate you know.. And at the end of the day, our conduct grade will be bad and we still have to serve detentions." Jaemin reprimanded me.

"K fine. I'll give some fucks to detention then." I rolled my eyes at the word 'detention'

I've served so many detention that serving detention is now one of my new "hobby".


Author's note: yay I've finally update this book! Woohoo!

Quick questions: 1) do you guys want smut to be in this book? 2) do you guys want Suga and Jaemin to have a smut scene?

I hope you guys like this chapter~ and sorry if there are mistakes, I'm writing this at 4am.. And my eyes are closing soon😂 so good night guys💕


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