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I don't know how to spell it. But anyways this happened a couple of days ago. Also if u haven't seen Captain America: Civil War then u should. It's awesome,that's all I'm gonna say.

Girl: I can't believe he cheated on me.*cries*.
Bff: He didn't deserve you. You are so much better than him. It's ok. *hugs girl*.
Zach: Who cheated on you ? Who did he cheat on you with?
Girl: Wtf?
Girl: OMG! I can't believe she kissed him in front of me!!*starts crying*.
Bff: It's ok. She's an a**hole. You deserve way better. It's ok.
Zach: Who kissed who? Why are you a cry baby? (A/N I'm listening to cry baby rn. That is by Melanie Martinez). Who deserves better. And who is an a**hole?
Bff: None of your business!
Girl: Go f*ck yourself!!!!!
Zach: Enjoy life.*waves and walks away*

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