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So crushes is a problem in my life right now. I only like ONE guy but I think he has eyes for someone else (A/N why Jason why?!😅). Anyways when a guy likes me this is how he usually treats me. ENJOY!! Plz comment and vote and follow me. And guys it looked like most of y'all liked the liars one so I'll do a part 2 to that one.
Guy: Hi!
Crush:*stares at guy* what?
Guy: How are you this fine morning?
Crush: What's going on?
Guy: Why can't I just be nice to you?
Crush: Because you're you.
Guy: Well you're fat.
Crush: Well you're ugly!
Guy: You wish!
Crush: I wish that you would leave me alone.
Guy: I love you!
Crush:  😳 What?!
Guy: *runs to nearest friend* 😳.
Friend: How was your little talk?
Guy: I totally got her number.😎

How I think boys act Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora