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Idk if I used the photo above before.
Well this chapter is about my brother. True story. Actually happened. No lie.
Brother: Mom, I'm hungry.
Mom: You're always hungry.
Brother: *opens cabinet* Mmm...I'm gonna eat these cookies.
Mom: Those are your sister's.
Brother:*eats while box of cookies* Done.
Me:*comes home from practice* Can't wait to eat my cookies.
Mom: *whispers* Run..
Brother: I'm gonna face her like a man.
Me: *opens cabinet* Where's my cookies?!
Mom: *points to son*
Brother:*yells* MOM!!!!
Me: I'm gonna kill you! *strangles brother*
Mom: Wait! Stop! I need to make popcorn for this.

How I think boys act Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora