Chapter 5 Progress

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            Silver had been busy learning about the other realms though she was positive she knew quite well about Elustar's realm and Kisashi's realm. Though as smart and skilled as she was she couldn't quite put her finger on the memory.

She had fun kicking the pony Twinblade's butt up and down the training room for practice. Though what bothered the wolf princess most was the battle everyone seemed so worried was imminent. The woman had seen quite enough bloodshed in her time yes but the thought still bothered her.

The thoughts of her mate and her loved ones in her realm also bothered her. Though the thought of her 19 year skip reminded her she could not return. Days continued by and Silver began to get along with other heroes she came across.

Sessions in crafts and creating with Thyme were a colorful experience. The armor was quite hard to get right but with her weapons abilities she was able to give some new insight for Thyme towards combat.

Star Bright and Odion were both fun to be around in her own train of thought, even though Odion seemed quite bothered most of the time. "Geez gramps you've gotta chill!" Silver would spout at him.

It came to a time when Silver Strings from Equestria came to visit and the confusion between Princess Silver and Silver Strings became quite irritable between the two. Elustar on a return trip to regain herself popped the joke to call one Silvera and the other Silvero. However Silver Strings disagreed and asked for all to from here on out call him Strings. Silver was overcome with joy hugging the calm pony crushing the air out of him with her strong limbs.

Days went by and things began to seem a little more boring for Silver. Then she met Alchelm. The Ice Elemental intrigued her! She wasn't used to seeing one so... So small and actually humanoid! She didn't seem to care for combat with Vladimir but she enjoyed his tales about his adventures... Even if though they were a little dark and dull for her taste.

Ozrick got around to introducing himself after taking care of his necessities. Silver smiled and enjoyed the collectors collection and hobbies. The man had much to talk about but there was still something amiss... The feeling of someone to care for.

Later on Star Bright passed the young woman in the garden eyeing her. Silver was poking the dirt with her sword with a grim expression. The Lady Sentient sighed softly and walked over to her, "Silver..." she said. Silver's expression changed immediately hearing her name as she turned to look at Star Bright.

Star Brights look was of sadness, "I understand how you're feeling right now and I only think it right that I show you our other guest whom you have yet to speak to," she said. Silver blinked, "Other guest?" she asked rising to her feet.

Star Bright took a deep breath, "There is some detail we have not informed you on and I think it's time you finally knew the rest of our tale," she said guiding Silver to the medical bay down below. Silver looked around at the wondrous machines as they went down to Alchelms other office. They came to a small room where a young man was laying on a bed.

The young man had short messy black hair. He was shirtless revealing many battle scars, his eyes had been bandaged over for some odd reason. Silver ran her hand over the boy's body curiously until she came to a scar on his body between his shoulder and collar bone, "What happened to him?!" she cried.

Star Bright lowered her eyes, "One of our own was taken over by Nightwalker. Formally the man who did this is the sentient king. This young man is his adopted brother Ninyn Yamanakou. Nightshade was possessed by Nightwalker and kept under control by a very powerful mind spell. His intentions were well but in the end Nightshade was taken instead of the other heroes. Nightwalker used Nightshade to harm Ninyn severely in hopes of destroying our fighting chances. Ninyn survived the battle but it left him badly wounded," she said.

Silver frowned stroking Ninyn's hair, "That's terrible... Is there anything anyone can do for him?" she asked. Star Bright shook her head, "Unfortunately no... It seems Ninyn put himself in this state of mind. He's searching for something or... Possibly trying to find himself once more. The fight with Nightshade probably shook him to the core," she said.

Silver eyed Ninyn sadly, "He's lost... And scared... He doesn't know what to do with himself anymore... I bet he's been like this before... But I suppose this time it's a little more serious..." she said. Star Bright nodded sadly, "Unfortunately yes," she said.

Silver looked up to Star Bright, "Star Bright please may I care for him until he wakes up?" she asked. Star Bright looked up shocked, "Really? I mean... He's a stranger to you," she said exasperated. Silver nodded, "I may not know him but I have known others who have been in this position before... And his condition seems worse than others I've seen... He needs a stand in sibling and I'm willing to help," she said.

Star Bright's eyes lit up at the sound of Silvers determination. A shadow seemed to loom over the woman, guilt? Star Bright peered closer through her sentient mode. The shadow was still unidentifiable but the presence seemed to fill the room with a soothing warmth. Star Bright closed her eyes smiling, *It seems even though you're not here... Your words and teachings reside within the palace Nightshade...* she thought happily. The woman looked back to Silver smiling, "Of course. I trust in your determination Silver. You may watch over Ninyn," she said smiling.

Silvers wolf ears perked up causing her to smile as her tail began to sway, "Oh thank you!" she cheered hugging the woman. Star Bright smiled and hugged the woman back, *I believe in you...*

Days past by and Silver read tales of heroism and love to the unconscious Ninyn. Every once and awhile she would load him into a wheel chair and take him to the gardens giving his body some fresh air. One night Silver was dosing off in her chair and she ended up passing out over Ninyn quietly and smoothly. The air of the night rolled in and Ninyn's hand slowly grasped her hair stroking it softly, "Thank you......"

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