Chapter 12 I'll Show You

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Nightwalker smiled wide at Ninyn and laughed after a minute, "Do you possibly think you can stand against me Ninyn? The rule of sentient killing sentient applies to me forever! I am a perfect creation! DNA from The Ruthless Roark, and The Gallant and yourself as well! What-!?" Nightwalker was quickly silenced as Ninyn flew up and back handed him across the field.

Nightwalker stood out of the rubble of his collision and laughed even harder, "Ok! I see what you're going for here and I know you're pissed. You're giving me the strong and silent type impression. I do have to say it's rather intimidating but..." he raised his arm sending a blast that hit Ninyn hard, "It's not that intimidating," he chuckled.


Silver was now fighting Cyclone toe to toe in matters of strength. Nightshade was focusing hard on Sarominae. The fight would never truly end unless Cyclone was killed. Sadly the rule of sentient killing sentients applied to Cyclone at this very moment.

Cyclone laughed hitting Silver hard across the face. Silver turned and slashed Shin Ryu hard in a diagonal motion cutting hard across Cyclone's body from left to right. Cyclone fell back a step gasping for air. Silver kicked the man hard in the chest causing him to skip across the landscape.

Simone and Kamina appeared next to Silver turning to Nightshade, "Well... You got pretty fucked up didn't you?" Kamina said. Simone twirled his drill spear, "Viral's been dealt with and sent back to our realm. Our time here won't be much longer. Thyme time traveled and brought us here to have a better fighting chance. But now that Viral has returned to-!" Simone immediately faded away.

Kamina shook his head, "Figured that would happen. Should've waited just a bit longer..." he said.

Nightshade glared at Kamina, "Is there a point to you talking?" he asked.

Kamina nodded picking up Simone's drill spear, "Not exactly, but at the same time I have a plan. I'm still bonded with Gurren Lagann in this armor Thyme created. I can distract that Cyclone guy while that wolf chic helps you heal up for a concentrated attack," he said.

Nightshade blinked, "Sarominae Necarose?" he asked.

Kamina nodded, "I know that's the move you're gonna use. It's your go to attack in a last ditch effort. Concentrate a beam directly at Cyclone when I provide the opening," he said.

Nightshade nodded, "Be careful... He's got most of my abilities and skills," he said.

Kamina laughed, "I know that, but he has no idea who the hell he's up against!" he roared.

Nightshade shook his head as Kamina charged forward with Katana and spear in hand.

Silver saw Kamina charging and blinked. Kamina smiled winking at her as he threw the spear at Cyclone. Cyclone dodged it and slashed forward at Kamina. Kamina bent down low and caught the strike and kicked Cyclone back. Silver returned to normal and went over to Nightshade and started to heal him.


The smoke cleared away from where Ninyn stood to reveal that the blast had not even scratched him! Nightwalker growled and lunged forward but a lance was thrown right through him. Pyrrha and Jaune stood behind Ninyn. Pyrrha's spear returned to her.

Nightwalker looked at the three and held up his red blade. Ninyn lowered himself to the ground. His electric blue eyes crackled with lightning. Shiekatsu Ryu radiated a bright blue light, the blade itself could be seen moving a little. Ninyn nodded slowly as if talking to someone.

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