Chapter 3 Forsaken Path

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Alyra awoke with a start. She was sitting in a cold room tied to a chair. Cold metal restraints were holding her legs and arms down. A rush of nausea passed through her body and she hurled all over the wall she was facing.

There were no windows and there were no doors from what she could tell. She knew her leg and arm were broken. Her shadow style had been pulled from her body and her zodiac style was unable to activate. The girl sobbed knowing she had failed both her demented master and the land she loved.

A small quake shook her room and the wall gave way to a small door where one of the men she had fought in Equestria stepped in. Alyra immediately remembered the man. It was the yellow pony that had put her to sleep. "Why didn't you kill me?!" she cried.

Thunder took a deep breath and looked at the woman, "Because I'm not a killer like your master... And I could see the regret in your eyes the moment I raised my wand to you. You were forced into his servitude. I've been in your mind and out. I saw what happened to your friend back in the Syraic realm... I'm sorry..." he said.

Alyra growled, "You nothing of how I feel! You don't-!" Thunder cut her off, "Know about any of the feelings and pain you endured training with Nightshade. The pain you felt killing innocent people and serving the one who killed your dearest friend... Frankly enough Tank Shield... I know plenty," he said.

Tank's eyes widened at the sound of her given name. The words that left Thunder's mouth filled her with warmth. The man had clearly endured much like herself... She choked a little on her breathing with a dry throat. Thunder walked up to her and forced down a vial of a rainbow liquid that easily went down her throat.

Soon color returned to her body and the pain slowly faded away. Tank felt rejuvenated and alive once more. Thunder pulled up a chair and closed the magical door behind him, "My friends are outside watching. I haven't been able to pull any memories from your mind that could show me any of Nightwalkers plans. I need you to think an tell me everything you know about his plans. In return we can free you," he said.

Tank began to tear up slightly and nodded, "Alright," she choked. Thunder took a deep breath and leaned close to her, "I will also help you avenge your friends death... I promise," he said undoing her bonds. Tank moved her limbs slowly, realizing her broken bones were also healed. She looked at herself freely noting she was in some kind of sports clothing that was a little tight and uncomfortable. Thunder waited for a response. Tank ran her hands over her body checking herself and sighed softly, "Alright... I'll tell you," she said.


In the med bay Thyme woke with a start and looked around the medical bay. Thyme sighed feeling a sharp pain in her back. She had been reverted into her pony form... The only thing that was different, "I'm... I'm wingless," she said with tear filled eyes. The pony began to weep sadly.

Alchelm walked in and saw the pony, "So you're finally awake. Wonderful," he said pulling up a scroll. Thyme saw the Ice Elemental man and frowned. Alchelm looked over at the pony, "I understand your pain more than you realize Ms. Flies. I've actually been looking over a lot of your notes and creations. Particularly you fully weapon and style ready blue prints. The wings require some work, but the outfit was easy to craft," he said pulling up a small suit case.

Thyme blew her nose and opened the suit case. Inside the suit case was a set of green lens goggles, brown and blue leg and arm wraps with boots for her human form. Multiple braid charms set to entwine in her mane and tail, and the beginning cogs and gears for the metal wings.... Thyme looked up with glossy eyes, "You.... Did this... for me?" she asked choking a sob back.

Alchelm smiled warmly at the pegasi, "You ponies may be an odd bunch but I've learned to enjoy your customs and your ideals in my own manner. It's time that our brilliant creator returns to the field with a new spark. The realms are vast and endless. It's only a matter of time before we start connecting to each and every one of them. Thyme is of the essence, its flying by faster than we realize. It's time for a new era to unfold," he said handing her a wrench and paint brush.

Thyme smiled and put the clothing back into the suit case, "Thank you... Thank you very much Alchelm," she said drying her tears. Alchelm bowed and left the room. Thyme started to rise and noticed a blind folded and unconscious Ninyn. Thyme frowned, "Wake up sparkles... Everyone's out and about... The realms need every hero it can spare..." she said shutting off the lights, "Don't let the light inside go away," she whispered.


Thunder sat at the cutie map table tapping a mirage of a mountain ominously thinking about the information he had received from Tank. From what the pony could tell the woman told no lie. He sighed heavily and turned to see the remaining Heroes Of Equestria standing in the castle door way.

Scarlet Blitz, the second in command of the heroes, her dark brown mane covered her one eye, her tail was all frizzy from the missions she had been on. The Pegasi's stare was filled with hate and sorrow, "So, what did she tell you?!" she barked. Thunder turned around full swing eyeing Scarlet with concern. Scarlet didn't care, her anger towards Tank was quite noticeable.

Thunder cleared his throat as he eyed Twinblade and Silver Strings, "She's revealed to me that Nightwalker, like Roark, has begun gathering beings of darkness from across the realms once more. However, unlike Roark, Nightwalker has actually been true to his word in lending the dark ones aid in grabbing what they wish to hold. Only if they fail will they become part of him," he said.

Twinblade nodded listening, "As much as I hate her... I can't doubt your skills Thunder," he said. Silver Strings nodded, "What are you going to do with the girl?" he asked. Thunder looked up to Silver then to the rest of them sitting back twiddling his fingers.

Scarlet growled and stormed off not wanting to hear the outcome. Sniper walked in as she galloped out of the castle, "I miss anything?" he asked. Thunder stood and transformed into his pony form, "She's upset because I plan to spare Tank Shield," he said.

Sniper shrugged, "I kind of figured as much. Your kind and quite knowledgeable. I'm afraid the loss of a loved one is quite.... Upsetting," he said. Twinblade rolled his eyes, "As if you'd care. All you've known most of your life is follow your orders! URGH!!" he growled as he too left the castle.

Silver shrugged his shoulders, "I'll go talk to him. He's not too thrilled about being kept on the side lines. None of us have been called back to the palace since Tank's capture. I suppose it's because Lady Star Bright's influence over Equestria's magic is able to shroud Tank from Nightwalkers gaze. I'll return soon. Carry on my friends," he said.

Thunder sighed softly turning to the table, "What would you do Glade?" he asked aloud as he gazed up towards the starry lit sky.

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