Chapter 8 Shadow Gambit

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Natsu was pacing back and forth. The guild was quite lively ever since they won the Grand Magic Games. "I can't take it anymore! Nightshade is out of action and The Sentients are running around like idiots! I say we march into the shadow realm and destroy that guy Nightwalker like we did with Roark!!" he shouted.

Makarov sighed, "You know just as well as the rest of us we can't ignore Elustar's orders Natsu. The best we can do is wait..." he said. Natsu snorted and sat at the bar grabbing some soda.

Elustar returned to the guild with her large sword on her back. Makarov eyed the sentient curiously, "You've returned mighty quickly Elustar. What's going on?" he asked. Elustar took a deep breath as she sat next to Makarov.

"Well... We closed the portal to the Shadow Realm. We can no longer go in or out through that realm at the current time... If we are to get to the shadow realm we'll require a passage of each realm to the shadow realm. There is always a way to the shadow realm..." Elustar said with a sigh.

Makarov frowned, "Is there no other way?" he asked.

Elustar shook her head, "The portal can't be opened until Star Bright and Odion have finished their business in the newly discovered realm... Other than that we have Goku and Naruto in The Palace discussing plans. The problem is, Kisashi and myself have decided we need to get Natsu and his friends into the shadow realm before the fighting begins. If we can get into the shadow realm without them being detected we'll have the element of surprise against Nightwalker. The only major problem is we not everyone can get into the barrier yet. We magic users can't get into the barrier Nightwalker has set otherwise our magic will be rendered useless," she said.

Makarov rubbed his chin, "Well.... For starters I think you and my guild members should get into the realm first. Then devise your plan to enter the barrier. You sentients always have a way of figuring things out. One step at a time my dear, one step at a time," he said.

Elustar nodded, "I do have an idea of how we're going to enter undetected... But I don't think the others will quite agree..." she said.


Within the palace Obi-Wan and Anakin had re-entered the palace. Team RWBY was also in the palace along with another 4 man team. Naruto, Sasuke, and Goku were discussing the attack plans.

Odion looked around, "So the biggest of the plans for the attack are setting up the equipment to amplify the ponies magic. They'll be in human form once more, but the real problem is getting the equipment built and powered. Anakin, I'll need you to build the equipment while in the shadow realm," he said.

Anakin looked around, "Where are the ponies?" he asked a little annoyed.

Odion blinked and looked around, "I believe the ponies are all in the mess hall. I believe they are speaking... With themselves and Star Bright," he said. Anakin nodded and headed off to the mess hall.

Obi-Wan met with Naruto, Goku and Sasuke. The three began discussing something in private. Odion caught a little of their conversation. "A good thing about my different techniques is that I was able to save some of that from when we kicked Roark's ass," Naruto said. Odion raised an eyebrow but left them to their own.


In the mess hall Anakin came to a halt, *I know I didn't drink that much before coming here!* he thought. Standing before Twilight and her friends were exact replicas of themselves, minus Sunset Shimmer. Star Bright was talking rapidly but it seemed the girls could easily understand her. With a final breath Star Bright slammed a hand into the ground and the two sets of pony/girls fused together! The mane 6 stood in there partial pony forms with different colored streaks going through their hair. Star Bright fell to one knee sweating heavily. Sunset rushed to her side helping her.

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