Chapter 6 - Puns On People's Names Never Get Old

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The door cracked open behind Helen, letting in a wave of light.

"Come in Juno."

The girl walked in and flicked on the lights. Hair the color of a purple sunset tied back in a ponytail, piercing eyes the color of a the sky in the middle of a fall day, and a black robe speckled with little white dots like stars in the void of space: this was Juno. Attached to her robe on both sides were coils of chains that most often jingled when she walked, but on the job she made sure to move in a way to not let them make noise. She was a professional, and the calm and collected personality reflected this.

Helen screeched and jumped under her desk. The new light illuminated a room full of weirdly shaped instruments, globes, and furniture you'd expect to find in a great aunt's house, all covered with a thick layer of dust and cobwebs.

"Don't turn on the lights! It burns my eyes!" shrieked Helen.

"You're just too used to darkness, it's not going to hurt. Plus it makes the difference between night and day in here with the lights. You seriously need to clean this place up."

"Nope, nope, nope! My job is vitally important, I can't waste it on cleaning. It's not like I'm ever going to go and touch that stuff anymore. That was just me going through my phase were I was getting used to seeing."

"Very well." Juno closed the door behind her and switched off the lights.

Helen squealed with happiness and flung herself back onto her chair. She swiveled so that her big eyes were aiming at the guest.

"So what is this new task that important enough to summon me?"

"Well you see, I've been sensing people disappearing a lot in Selenium City lately, and apparently notes have been left at the sight of the disappearance each time."


"Those notes point claim that the people have been killed by someone who goes by the name 'Passing Wind'. What's even more peculiar though is that the people don't seem to notice this killer until he's standing right behind them, by which time it's too late."


"He's killed 9 times."

A slight upward twist formed on the side of Juno's mouth. "Oh? You should've lead with that." She made her way out of the room, but before closing the door behind her, she made her point. "I'll stay in Celestia for a few more days. If you hear of another case happening in that time tell me and I'll get on the case."


"Here we are. Welcome to this city's Squadron Squad center!"

I still can't get over that name. Squadron Squad. Really?

"Oh look, there's the front desk. Hi receptionist lady~!" Ariel ran over to the desk and started chatting with the lady.

"Ah I see, so you've come to become part of the Squadron? You guys will have to go through checking, orientation, and training before you can set out. Depending on your skills, this process may take anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. Are you okay with this?"

Buddy didn't hesitate. "Absolutely! Let's begin right away!"

The receptionist smiled. "Well, you have to sign these forms first, but once you get those done you can go into the room over there and begin with the checking stage."


"Welcome to the checking stage! My name is Masamba, and I'll be with you guys to the end of the process." He was a large African man, fully in shape, with short hair and wearing olive green work clothes. "First off we'll be evaluating your souls' power levels. If you'd please come in this room and choose a number to stand on..."

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