Chapter 12 - The Kid Who Asks All The Questions Makes Your Class Easier

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"I'm Bishop," said the guy with his somewhat poofy hair colored like a checkerboard. He wore a white leather jacket and a black shirt underneath it, as well as white pants and shoes. You didn't have to glance twice at his characteristic smirk to know that he was trouble.

"Kayson," said a ninja-esque boy with dark green hair. He was dressed similarly to the Phantom Wind, but wore his clothing a looser, and had a signature green scarf. When I later asked why he wore a scarf, he said it was "to compliment his gorgeous green eyes." He does realize that he has green hair too right?

"And the one who has to keep an eye on these two numbskulls is me, Marion." A shorter female figure stood off to the side of the taller boys. She wore a slightly frilly pink skirt, but balanced it out with purple jacket that showed that she meant business. She crossed her arms over a few locks of her long silver hair, disapproving of but putting up with her teammates' shenanigans, but underneath her straight face I had no doubt that she was enjoying herself.




"Alright, let's get this show on the road," proclaimed Bishop. "Are powers allowed?"

Marion shot him a scornful, but he just ignored it.

"Sure, why not?!" Ariel agreed.

This is going to be a terrible disadvantage for me...

We all piled into the two sides of the warzone, which I feared would soon earn its title, and got ready to pounce. Buddy started us off with his serve and sent the ball flying over the internet with his nose. Yes, at this point I was completely comfortable with the terminology and rules of the crazy game. The ball was over at the other side and met the nose of the fellow called Kayson. And it stuck there, right on the tip of his nose.

He just kind of waited there with the ball stuck to his face. "Hey Bishop, does this look good on me?"

"I'd say 5 out of 7. If it was smaller and a red ball instead it would be a perfect 7 out of 7."

"Don't clown around with me!"

"Both of you stop clowning around! We're in the middle of a game!" shrieked Marion.

That Marion girl... She seems to be the sensible one of the group.

"Fine. Hey Bishop, I'm passing it to you. You ready?"

"The board is set. Pass it already man!"

Kayson tossed his head forward and the ball finally detached itself from his nose. It went straight for Bishop, who simply tapped it with his nose, without even trying for the right direction, yet the ball short forward at us in a straight line, as if not affected by gravity, then fell from its trajectory.

Ariel skillfully hit it back, but after the ball was just a few feet from her face, it came back and hit her square in the face, then fell to the ground.

Marion walked over and slapped the back of Bishop's head. "Hey now, don't you think that was a little too cheap of a shot?!"

"Don't you think the back of my head it too cheap of a shot?! Seriously though, that hurt."

Her eyes all but closed into a scowl. "You don't have any right to say that! Apologize!"

"No need," said Ariel, rubbing her nose. "If that's how we're going to play then I don't mind. I'll serve this time." She winked at Buddy, who somehow seemed to understand the hint, and sent the ball flying over.

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