Levi x Sad!Reader

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Sorry I was an hour late! Here's what I've been working on!!!

(A/N: You are a virgin)

Your POV

You've had a terrible day at work. You got yelled at by your boss, and she told you that you were worthless. And honestly, you felt that way. When you got home, you just wanted to go to bed and cry yourself to sleep. You know what, I think I'm gonna do just that you thought. Before you could sulk in bed, Levi came home. You sighed, heaving the covers over you, so you were just a sad little lump in the bed. "Y/n! I'm home!" he called, as you could heard his keys jingling as he hung them on the nail in the wall near the door. Silence. "Y/n?" he called again, coming upstairs. Shit. You heard him make his way to you, and you felt him sit at the foot of the bed. "What's wrong, babe?" he asked, rubbing your feet. You just grumbled, feeling your face go warm. "N-Nothing.." you muttered, straightening yourself out and uncovering yourself, revealing a puffy-eyed you. His eyes softened, and he sighed. "Before you freak out, I just want to be alone tonight.." you sighed, giving him a pleading look. Surprisingly, he just smirked, his eyes darkening. Shit shit shit.. "Y/n, you know I could never leave you alone. Especially when you need some love," he looked at you with lust filled eyes, ever so slightly blushing. You gulped. "N-No I do-" you were cut off by him literally jumping on you and pulling the covers off you. You were just wearing your (f/c) blouse you wear to bed, but with your bra and undies underneath, of course. He pinned you gently, attacking your neck with nips and licks, a moan escaping your lips. He smiled into your skin, as he kissed up your neck, along your jawline and to your soft lips. He licked your bottom lip, and you let out a shaky breath. You felt yourself getting wet, and you felt his bulge on your leg. You decided to play hard to get, and tease him a bit. You broke the kiss, and looked away, panting. He growled, and he moved his hands to your stomach, pulling up the blouse and caressing your stomach. You clenched your jaw, keeping in a moan. He slid his hands down to your panties, and slowly pulled them down. You gasped, your breath hitching, heart pounding. When nothing happened, you turned your head to look at him, and he gave a small smile as he lowered his head to your womanhood. You gasped as his tongue went in circles around your cl!t, and you lost control over your moans as they spilled out of your mouth and filled the room. He flicked his tongue delicately, making his way down to your entrance, sliding it gently inside a few centimeters. You moaned loudly, clutching the sheets in pure ecstasy and pleasure. You felt a knot in your stomach, and you released over his tongue. He cleaned you up, licking his lips as he moved his head up and crawled over you. He lowered his head to your ear. "You taste good," he whispered, licking your earlobe. By now, his pants were getting extremely tight, looking to explode. You bit your lip, deciding to give him some relief and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. He groaned as you did so, and his length was clearly erect, and throbbing. You pulled at the top of his jeans, beckoning him to take them off. He nodded curtly, pulling his pants, along with his underwear, off. He took off his shirt, exposing to you his toned, yet subtle abs and muscular chest. He leaned down to you once more, kissing you roughly, yet lovingly. You reached your hand down, and rubbed his length. He moaned into your lips, as you took the advantage to slip your tongue into his mouth, earning a barely audible gasp from him. You continued rubbing his d!ck, as he continued kissing you, an occasional grunt being heard from him.

After a few minutes, he came and you let him lick his fluid off your hand. You stared into his eyes, as his breathing was erratic and heavy, his steel gray eyes darkening once more. "You ready?" he asked, flipping you on your stomach and raising your @$$ in the air, positioning himself at your entrance. You gulped, and nodded, a bead of sweat rolling down your temple. He nodded, and slowly began pushing into you, a throaty scream escaping your mouth, as you buried your face in your pillow and cried into it. "Shhh, it'll pass," he cooed reassuringly. Your sobs turned into hiccups, as you nodded for him to move. He pulled out, and pushed back in gently again. The pain had turned into pleasure within a few seconds, and you were moaning into the pillow as he quickened his thrusts gradually. After a while in this position, he pulled out, and went on his back, and placed you on his lower region. You lowered yourself on his length, his hips bucking upwards rather roughly. You moaned loudly, and lay down on his chest, his thrusts continuing at a steady pace.

"H-Harder.." you whispered, your climax nearing. He nodded, and slammed into you quickly, a few quiet audible grunts and groans coming from him. "I'm c-close," you whispered. "Me too," he panted, quickening his pace ever so slightly, his thrusts becoming sloppy. You felt your stomach knot up again, and you shut your eyes, letting out a moan as your orgasm hit you like a train. You panted, as he thrusted one last time, and pulled out, cumming all over your back. You were exhausted, Levi even more so. He collapsed next to you, not even caring about the mess he left on your back, as he pulled the covers over the both of you. "I love you.." you muttered, still out of breath. He smiled, and kissed your lips. "I love you too, only more," he smiled once more, before holding you close to his bare chest, and falling asleep. You went to sleep with the sound of his heartbeat steadily thumping in your ear. We'll have to take a shower next time.. you thought.


I hope you liked it! Requests are open!

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