Shower (Not Edited)

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🔱 Chpt 2 🔱


(I'm going to write in first person)

(Y/N's POV)
I'm currently in a heated make out session with my lover, Levi Ackerman. We've been married for nearly a month and a half, and we still haven't had sex in the shower yet. "Y/N". Levi breathed between gaps in our kisses. "Mm?" I hummed, pulling away. "I was wondering.. do you want to take a shower with me?" He asked, his cheeks a faint pink. My eyebrow went up, a smirk dragging itself across my lips as a small giggle erupted from my mouth. "Sure, Levi. Why not."

_Time Skip_

"Come on, Y/n. I've seen you naked before. This won't be any different". Levi stated, grinning with his hands on his hips. I huffed, pushing my glasses up. (Reading or prescription) "You're enjoying this aren't you?" I pouted. He chuckled. "Not necessarily". He winked. "Fine. Fine I'll get in". I groaned, defeated. "Just turn around". I made a twirly motion with my finger in the air. He rolled his eyes, but did as told

. . .

"There, was that so hard?" Levi teased. I sent him a glare, and inhaled in a peeved manner. "You tell me. I nearly slipped in the tub when I stepped in, I had to use you're stomach as a barricade so I wouldn't hit the wall, I stubbed my toe, mind you, and now there's that," I complained, pointing at his shlong, which was erect. His eyes were widened. "Well then". He cleared his throat. "Lets get the shower going, mm?" He chuckled. I mocked his chuckle, followed by a little slap on his shoulder, causing him to fake a moan. It made me blush. "Ah, there's that blush". He laughed gently, pointing at my cheeks. I pouted again, my voice coming out whiny. "Levi, you're so mean!" I cried. He turned the water on, seeming to ignore my 'cries of hurt'. I felt the warmness cascade from the shower head, making my tense muscles relax, my shoulders now slouching, as I let out a quiet sigh of relaxation. "Feel nice?" Levi asked, and I nodded. He opened a bottle of body wash, squeezing it on his palm. He handed the bottle to me, and rubbed his hands together. He turned me around and started massaging my back, me closing my eyes. He slid his hands down gently from my neck to the small of my back, rubbing there a moment then going back up. I swear my breathing is so slow right now, my heart rate is most likely 12bpm. Because I was so relaxed, I didn't notice he had wrapped his arms around me and started kissing my neck, a quiet moan being heard from me. He sucked on a spot behind my ear, which he knew was my sweet spot. "Mmm.." I breathed softly, using my own hand to pleasure myself. I rubbed circles around my heat, as Levi continued kissing me. I turned my head and caught him of guard by pressing our lips together rather harshly, taking my hand away from my lower area. Suddenly I felt a finger go inside me, making me gasp. Damn he's fast. I moaned as the pleasure from both activities was making me wet. Before I could reach my orgasm, which he could tell by me tightening around his fingers, he took them out and rubbed me with his hardened member. I moaned and panted his name a couple times as he gently thrusts inside me. He pressed me against the wall, making me shiver slightly from the cold contact. I started kissing his neck, his body pressed against mine from the front. He moaned as he pushed further inside. I moaned loudly, digging my nails into his shoulders as he started dominating me. He groaned and panted in my ear, making me even more turned on. I yelled out his name as he went in the deepest he could go, hitting my spot. "Ah! Levi!" I moaned, dropping my head and panting. He sucked on my neck again, leaving a few marks as his thrusts continued at a steady pace. "Hah.." he panted. I felt my end coming soon, and I tightened around him, making him moan like crazy. "D-do that again". He groaned. I smiled, and did it again, earning a few more moans from him. He never moans this much.. it must feel really good. "Does it h-hurt?" I asked, him still pounding into me. "No it fe-els amazi-ng.." he grunted, another moan echoing in the shower. He thrusts one more time, and I moaned his name. "Levi..." I gasped, my vision blurred and I could actually see stars as I came all over his length. He groaned and pulled out, cumming on the floor, the water washing our fluids down the drain. He panted, pushing back inside. Hard. It made me yell out. "L-Levi!" I gasped, a low chuckle vibrating in his throat. "I'm not done with you yet. You were naughty". He purred in my ear.

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