Angry!Levi x Reader FLUFF

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Your POV

"Levi-kun! I'm here!" You announced outside his door. You looked around the familiar hallway you were ridden to, shifting your weight between feet.

No reply.

"Levi-saaan!" You knocked on his door. Irritated at the fact he wasn't responding, you pressed your ear up against the door. You listened intently on the sounds acurring behind the door. It sounded like.. sweeping?

Oh, no.. He's in a cleaning frenzy again.

"Levi, I swear to God, if you don't open this fucking door, I'll kick you so hard down there, that the only use your dick will have left is a flap to keep the dust out of your butt!" You boomed.

The sweeping subsided. Footsteps. Mumbling.

It opened.

"I thought you liked my dick." He smirked, pulling his cloth down from his face.

"Fuck you.." You shoved past him.

"I wish I could." He tsked.

Stupid narcissistic clean freak.

"Why must you clean so damn much..?" You whispered, glancing around at the, practically, sparkling room.

"Why must you ask so many damn questions?" He countered slyly.

"Fair." You rolled your eyes.

He continued to clean, wiping his desk down with a disinfectant cloth.

You groaned, and sat down in your favorite chair by the window. You set your chin in your palm, staring out the window boredly. You noticed a small dot on the pane, realizing it was a tiny, helpless ladybug. Smiling, you pressed your finger against the other side of the glass, and it flew away.

"Brat, I need you to stop smudging the window with your grubby hands." He glared, hand on his hip.

Grinning to yourself, you pressed your entire hand on the glass, a dangerous smile on your face.

"Don't you dare.." He growled, stepping closer.

You slid your hand down, leaving a huge smear on the crystal clear pane. Levi shot daggers at you. He set his cloth rather harshly on the desk, taking strides toward you.

The smirk still prominent on your lips, your rush of confidence didn't make you as phased as you thought as he grabbed your wrist. Suddenly coming back from your high of self pride in your scandalous doing, your heart pounded in trepidation.

"L-Levi-" he cut you off with a rough kiss, silencing your words. He loosened his hold on your wrist, and brought his hand to your waist, pulling you closer. You melted instantly into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck to deepen your heated kiss.

Just when you were getting excited, he pulls away and grins. You frown.

"Hey, hot bodied clean freak, why'd you stop." You glared.

"I'm punishing you for dirtying my work." He stated nonchalantly.


"Ugh, leave your kinky shit out of this, Levi." You huffed.

He rose an eyebrow. His eyes got subtly darker, a rare smile dusting across his face. "You think that's kinky?" He chuckled lowly. He effortlessly threw you over his shoulder, and carried you to his room.

Oh shit.

He crashed you onto the bed, crawling up to you slowly. The sight of him stalking toward you like a ravenous beast with a murderous glare somehow made you horny. Not even realizing his face was right above yours, he lowered himself down to your ear.

"Buckle up, buttercup. Because this wild stallion is taking you for a ride." He licked your ear, dragging his wet tongue down to your neck, and the crook of your shoulder.

Blushing uncontrollably, you moaned at the thought of him taking you right then and there.

He slid his hands all down your sides, slipping them under your shirt skillfully. You bit your lip, closing your eyes to hone in on the pleasurable sensations. He trailed a finger along your ribcage, feeling each fleshed divet. You breathe out in content.

He lifted your shirt up, and gently scraped his trim nails along your stomach, sending chills through you, giving you goosebumps...


jesus fuck i havent updated in............ too long. sorry this is short ;-;

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