Levi x SelfHarming!Reader

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Just one more...

Just one more.....

Just one more.......

That's never the case. Cutting isn't that easy to quit.. You have first hand experience. Once you pick that blade up, it's hard to put it back down without inflicting some sort of damage to your skin. After the last 5 years of the Titans tormenting humanity, you finally had it. People you love have been killed in front of you, and the pain was so overwhelming, you decided to blind yourself of that pain by making yourself have physical pain. 

It worked for a while, but then it became an addiction. The worst part is that your boyfriend, Levi, doesn't know about it.. He'd murder you if he found out. So that's why you tried your hardest to keep it a secret. All your methods have worked, up until today.


"Y/n!" Levi called you, trying to put something on a high shelf; but evidently failing due to his (adorable) short stature. You came jogging into his room, forcing back a giggle as you saw him.

"I got it, I got it." you laughed softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek as you took whatever it was he had in his hand, and reached up yourself to place it on the shelf. Because of gravity, your f/c long sleeve came down, and exposed your wrist and below your arm. You froze, realizing what happened as you felt a draft on your skin. 

Your scars, and newly made marks were fully displayed to your significant other, who stared in horror at the sight. You squeaked in alarm, and pulled your sleeve down, trying to turn quickly and run out the door. But Levi grabbed your wrist, making you wince silently in pain, and was turned around to face him. You had small tears budding at your eyes, and you averted his gaze. He lifted your arm and examined it. He let go, letting your arm naturally fall at your side before grabbing your other arm, seeing the same thing. 

He sighed loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose. He took both of your hands, and held them tightly in his own as he pressed gently kisses on your knuckles. 

"My darling, why?" he asked tenderly, concern in his eyes and tone of voice. You dared to look at him, sniffling as tears rolled down your red cheeks, shaking your head. 

"I-I don't know.." you lied. He took a deep breath, before mumbling something you didn't quite catch and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you into a hug. He pressed his forehead against your shoulder, and you could feel his hot breath against your skin. 

"Please don't do this to yourself anymore." he whispered, pulling his face away to step back and look up at you. His eyes were soft, and you could see a rare emotion swirling inside his orbs.


"I know it's hard to stop, Y/n-" 

You interjected him.

"How would you know?! You don't get it!" you yelled at him, ripping yourself away from him angrily as more tears streamed. 

He gave you a disappointed look, before sighing to himself and unbuttoning the buttons at his wrists on his shirt, and pulling his sleeves up to reveal..


Your eyes widened, and your heart fell.

"I do understand, Y/n. You don't know what I've been through." he said softly, arms out and looking down at his feet. 

"I'm sorry.." you said, rushing forwards and taking his arms in your hands. 

"Y/n, what are you-" he trailed off as you lifted one of his arms, and pressed kisses on each scar. His face heated up ever so slightly. 

"You don't have to do that.." he said. 

"But I want to." you whispered, continuing. After a few minutes, you lifted your head to look into his steel gray eyes. You smiled, leaning forward to kiss his nose, then his lips.

"I promise to stop. Just for you." you vowed truthfully. 


sorry that was bad but whatever. 

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