Horny!Levi x Reader

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Your POV

You and Levi were sitting on the couch watching a movie. About half an hour into the movie, he started getting antsy. You set your hand on his thigh in concern.

"Are you okay, babe?" You asked,  eyebrows furrowed worriedly. He flinched, shutting his eyes tightly. "Y-Yeah, I'm f-fine.." he mumbled, tapping his foot.

I bet I know what's wrong with him. You thought, smirking to yourself.

Testing your theory, you delicately slid your hand up his leg. "Hnn.." he groaned, cheeks red. You smirked. "Leviii." You said in singsong, dragging  out the i.  "Hm?" He glanced at you with a strained expression. "Are you horny?" You smiled, rubbing his inner thigh. "M-Maybe.." he gulped.

You giggled, and hauled yourself upwards, straddling him in one swift motion. You sat right on top of his crotch, and he moaned. "Y-Y/n... you're so mean.." he blushed.

"But you love me." You grinned, lightly whisking your hair out of your face with a hand, before leaning down and pressing your lips together. His lips felt so good, and soft. They were warm, and seemed to scorch you with passion. "Mmm.." he moaned into the kiss, as you ground gently on him.

He wrapped his arms around you, and he hastily changed the position you two were in. In one smooth, fluid motion, he was now on top of you. He secured his luscious lips onto your neck, and started sucking on your skin. "Hah..~" your breath hitched, a red tint traveling to your cheeks. He ran his hand through your (h/l) (h/c) hair, satisfaction rippling throughout your entire body as he nipped, and licked you.

"My turn." You uttered the few words, pushing up with your hands onto his chest and pushed him backwards. Now you were on top. "Which one of us is captain?" He smirked, as you undid his pants. He grunted, his bulge seeming ready to burst out of his tight pants. You slowly pulled down his zipper, careful not to hurt him.

Once his pants were down mid-calf, and his boxers in the same locale, your eyes widened at the sight of his manhood on full display. "I forgot how big he was.." you muttered to yourself, taking him gingerly into your hand. You rubbed it systematically; up and down, using your thumb to massage his tip.

"N-No teasing.." he groaned, squirming under you. You smiled. "I'm sorry, what was that?" You leered, leaning your head down to blow a cold breath onto his shaft. "Ah.." he panted, gripping the couch cushion. You slowly but surely wrapped your lips around him, bobbing your head as you took him into your wet cavern.

"Y-Y/n.." he moaned, chin tilted up with his mouth agape. (On love: Agape. No? Ok) You firmly set your hand on his hip bone, restricting any movement. You continuously implemented severe pleasure, until you felt him twitch inside your mouth. You unlatched your lips from his now vaguely flaccid dick, as he came onto his chest.


"You ready?" He asked, his husky voice turning you on even more so than you already were. You nodded, shifting slightly. He took a short, sharp breath through his mouth, slowly pushing into you. Your heart racing, you hid your face with a pillow that rested on the couch. You moaned into said pillow muffling your sounds. Once he was fully inside you, balls deep, he stayed still.

When you wiggled your hips impatiently, he pulled out and pushed back in with a flick of his pelvis, brushing against your gspot. "Ahh.." You gasped, still having the pillow fixedly pressed against your lips, hindering your noises. (Noizes. Ok I'll stop) He stopped moving and you looked behind your shoulder with an annoyed and confused expression.

"I want to hear you." He demanded. His dominance was radiating off him, and you clenched around him as a response. You begrudgingly moved the pillow, and he continued on thrusting relentlessly into you. The sounds of skin slapping, whispers and moans permeated the room. "Ah!" You felt yourself getting close, as he wrapped his arms around your torso, your back against his chest.

Now in a better position, he got deeper inside at the better incline. Your pants made your chest rise and fall, sweat beading at your temples. "Almost t-there.." he moaned. You nodded your agreement, pushing your hips down to meet his thrusts a few times, before you tired out and let him continue. "I'm gonna.." he panted, thrusting sloppily and wildly. "Ah! H-hnnn.." You grunted, pleasure racking through you as you came at the same time.

You rolled off him, as Levi pulled out. "I love you.." he kissed your lips. You smiled, heart still pounding against your ribs. "Love you too." You whispered, nuzzling into his neck as his strong arms protectively secured around you.

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