Artist!Reader x Author!Levi (fluff)

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Artist!Reader x Author!Levi (Fluff)

Y/n's POV

"Levi!" I thumped up the stairs rather quickly, carrying my small canvas in my hands. As I was standing in the doorway, panting ever so slightly, I saw him look over the top of his reading glasses.

He's sitting in his favorite chair by the window, reading his book and drinking his tea. It's so cliche but so adorable! "Mm?" He hummed, pressing his bookmark, a slightly crumpled slip of paper, into his page and setting his novel down to look at me. I smiled widely, putting the canvas behind my back, nearing him.

"I finally finished my painting!" I chirped. He smiled, leaning to the side to try and see behind, making me lean the same direction. He smirked. I inhaled silently to myself and revealed it to him. "I can never believe you can paint that well, my love." he smiled. I blushed profusely. "Don't call me that.." I put my lip out, looking away embarrassed. He chuckled.

My painting was a lake scenery. A majestic sunset with trees on the sides. There's also a dock and a small boat in it, too. "It's beautiful.. Like you." he tilted his head, the smallest trace of a smile tugging his lips. I blushed again, adding to my previous reddening, only darkening the hue. "I-It took me a week.." I changed the subject. His compliment caught me off guard... "Anyway, how's your book doing?" I asked, setting my mini canvas on the coffee table beside me. I went over to him and sat on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist and burryed his face in my neck. I smiled and leaned into him gradually.

"Pretty good. I'm on the twelfth chapter now. If I'm focused enough, I can manage to write two, or even three chapters a day." he smiled, glancing outside. The wind picked up momentarily, making the tree's leaves ruffle and whirl around. "Wow.. I wish I could write a book like you can. Your writing is amazing!" I giggled, earning a little more than a halfhearted smile.

He leaned down and lay his cheek on my shoulder. "But you're an artist.." he mumbled against my shirt. "Authors and artists are made for each other.. Not authors and authors.." he simply said. I blinked, and stroked his hair gently. He breathed out in content, eyes closed. "That way, each person can give the other advice about art, or writing. Right?" He chuckled, a small tremor racking through me from tbe vibration. "Yeah.." I sighed.

He rose from my shoulder and put his hand on my face, turning my head to face him. I blinked, cheeks slightly red. He smiled a bit, and cascaded his finger down to my chin, lifting my gaze up. He leaned in slowly, eyes closing gradually. I did the same, and our lips met gently. I felt his tongue glide against mine, and I panted slightly, feeling his hands roam around my body, from my back to my butt. I blushed, as we were still in an agressive lip lock. He pulled away, panting softly. We stared at each other with half lidded eyes. "Should we continue this.. In the bed?" He smirked, latching his lips to my neck and sucking. "Y-yeah-ah!" I moaned.


Hehe cliff hanger. Shall I write a part two??! And sorry for taking a billion years to update ;-;

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