Levi x Chubby!Reader

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Sorry this will be extremely cliche but hey I haven't written anything in a while, give me a break.

You were standing in front of the mirror again. Despite deeming your mirror worthy of being called your worst enemy, you still stood in front of it a whole lot, disgusted at what it showed you. Your body was hideous to you. From your overly round face, to your wide calves, you inwardly wretched, and outwardly grimaced.

Before you could think anything else, the all too familiar jingle of your boyfriend's keys opening the front door rang in your ears. Joy overflowed into you, and you immediately forgot about your self hatred.

You jogged to the door, crashing into Levi as soon as he opened the door. He didn't even have time to react to anything before his face was smushed into your boobs. Letting out a muffled 'mmmf!' Levi pulled away to properly greet you with a tired grin and a kiss on your cheek.

"Hello to you too, Y/n." He set down his things by the door, closing it while he hung his coat.

"How was your day at work?" You asked, following him into the kitchen like a stray dog. A pang of guilt struck you. 'I bet he thinks I'm annoying for doing stuff like this' you thought.

"Just like any other day," he shrugged, poking his head into the fridge. "The end of the day is always my favorite, though." You could hear the smile in his voice.

"And why is that?" You pondered out loud.

"Because I get to see you when I get home." A rare, soft smile showed itself on Levi's face, and it was truly a beautiful sight. It nearly made your knees weak. Just nearly..

"Awww, Levi! You're such a sap sometimes!" You wrapped your arms around him, enveloping him effortlessly. You didn't hear any complaints from him, though. Maybe that was because you were practically smothering him, but you chose to think otherwise.

When you let go, the thoughts you had earlier came rushing back all of a sudden. It must have shown on your face, because Levi squinted in suspicion.

"Something bothering you?" He asked quietly, pulling out a small jug of strawberry milk. You've always thought it was so cute how much he enjoyed drinking the stuff, reminding him how girly it was, but he'd always turn you down with a "I just like the flavor".

You had thought you hid it well enough, but clearly you didn't. With a small sigh and an evertion of gazes, you nodded hastily.

"It's not a huge deal.." you laughed it off. Levi simply gave you a look that said 'I know you're lying'. You knew you couldn't keep it from him any longer. You had to come clean.

"I... I'm not happy with my body." You said softly, suddenly becoming greatly interested in the floor. You didn't hear a reply, save for the quietest sigh, then the sound of something being set down on the counter.

"Y/n, why do you feel that way?" He asked, coming closer to you, reaching both of his hands down to hold yours. You still didn't dare look up, and stayed quiet, feeling the familiar sensation of tears building up behind your (e/c) eyes.

You felt a finger under your chin, lifting your head up. The tears gave way, and silently skimmed down your (s/c) skin.

"Y/n." He whispered, his eyes boring into yours with an intensity you couldn't look away from. You squeezed his hands.

"Because I'm... I'm not skinny.. I want to look like the other girls, and not be ashamed of my body.." you answered truthfully. You could see a world of hurt swirling within his ashen, somber eyes.

"Y/n, listen to me," he gently started. "It doesn't matter what your body looks like. It doesn't matter what others think. All that matters is how you carry yourself. Confidence is key in having a happy life. Do you want this small obstacle to get in the way of you living happily?" His query opened up the gates of truth for you. It made sense.

Before you could say anything, he went on.

"If you think I give a single shit about how your body is, you're wrong." (Sounded kinda douchey but you get what he means) "You're perfect the way you are, and I wouldn't change a single thing about it." (If you're taller than him) He slightly went up on his tip toes to peck your lips. (If you're shorter than him) He leaned down to peck your lips.

You smiled widely. You haven't felt this happy in a long time. You felt a renewed energy within you, and you felt as if you could yell to the world "this is me". Sure, you'd still be embarrassed to wear revealing outfits in public, but you wouldn't feel ashamed or humiliated.

"Thank you, Levi.." you let go of his hand to wipe your tears. Though he didn't smile this time, the warmth that spread inside his eyes signified he was happy, as well.

"Anytime, Y/n."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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