Chapter 1

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It's over. It's finally over. I never thought I would ever be out of WICKED's grasp, but it's gone. All of it. We did it! We defeated WICKED! Minho, Newt, and I figured out a way to erase the Swipe and headed towards our families. My family lives in a town called Beacon Hills but my mother died when I was really young so I only have my dad left and no siblings, well, other than Scott. Scott has been my best friend since childhood but since I haven't seen him in over three years, I don't know how I'll react when I finally see him again. Newt and Minho have become my brothers ever since I met them and I don't know how I feel going back to Scott when Newt and Minho need me. I was a little skeptical leaving them at first, but they don't live too far away from Beacon Hills so if they need anything they'll call.
--------------------------------------------------------------I'm here. Back in Beacon Hills. It looks different but the same at the same time, if that makes any sense. I never thought I'd be back to the place where I grew up, where my dad lives, where my pack lives. Since I've been missing for three years, I'm a senior now but with all the information WICKED engraved into my brain, I don't think high school is hard enough. Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to go to school but it'll be the easiest thing I've ever done which with the grades I'm going to get will look great on my college resume. Wow. College already. Three years of my life have been wasted on a stupid experiment that I helped create. I still think about that. How Teresa and I helped build the maze. I did all the calculations, hell, I even made the Grievers and I survived. How? I've done terrible things and have caused so much pain onto others yet I still survived. I think about stuff like that regularly. I think that everything that's happened to my friends is all my fault and I'm not wrong. I keep telling myself that it wasn't my fault, that WICKED put me up to it when really, I wanted to help. I saw the situation as a result of a cure. A cure for the Flare that didn't even exist. Of course I didn't know that at the time, I thought the world really was at its end and the Flare was real. The only reason I never found out the truth was because the facility I was working in was underground so I never saw the outside, ever. Even if I tried, they would just give me another task to complete so I wasn't obligated to go outside. I can't believe I fell for that! Like, am I stupid or something?! Well, I can't yell at myself now. What's done is done even though many more lives could have been saved if I just would have kept my mouth shut and never showed Ava the maze I wanted to build. Man this is depressing. You're about to see your father again and all you're thinking about is WICKED. Lighten up dude.
--------------------------------------------------------------I just pulled into my drive way. My old jeep is still there, untouched. Man, how I've missed my Jeep! I had to steal a car in order to get here. Oops. The house looks the same at least. I'm about to go to the front door and knock when nerves just piled up in my stomach. Pull it together man. You've battled against Grievers, and cranks. You've defeated WICKED. You can do this. It's your father, you have to see him. I get just enough confidence to gain control of my legs again and I find myself at the front door. Before I could talk myself out of it, I knock on the door. After waiting a few seconds, the door opens to the sight of my father, standing there, right in front of me. The man who raised me and was always there for me. "Stiles?" He said with a mix between shock and concern in his voice. "Hey dad. You miss me?" Well all I know is my sarcasm has always stuck with me. Thomas or Stiles, sarcasm is my only defense. My dad doesn't say anything for a few seconds making things really awkward. I mean yeah, I haven't seen him in a while but I guess I've channeled my emotions quite well so I'm not I too much shock. Yes, I'm in shock but obviously not as much as my father. He finally pulls me into a tight hug which shocks me at first but then I welcome the hug. I feel different when he hugged me. For the first time in a long time, I felt safe.

Hey! I decided to write another story because why not? I really hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to update as soon as possible! ❤️ Thank you!!! Happy Mother's Day!!

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