Chapter 3

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"Where the hell have you been Stiles?!" Scott asked. Good thing I thought about my answer ahead of time. "I just had to get away." "For three years without any contact to anyone?! No postcard, no letters, no texts, no calls, no nothing!" Scott said angrily. "Listen Scott, I'm not like you guys. I can't handle all this (lies). All the supernatural crap thats going on in Beacon Hill, the nogitsune, I just can't handle it. So I decided that I wanted to get away for a bit." Where did you even go?" Lydia asked. "Everywhere I guess." "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Jackson asked. "Just never mind me. It has been a boring three years for me (LIES). What about you guys? How have you guys been?" I have to change the subject because I haven't thought this whole "why I left" plan out all the way. "You've been missing for three years, and you're wondering about us?" Derek asked. "Yep." Smooth Thomas. "Well, lets just say we spent a year looking for you and then the next two years thinking you were dead. So yeah! We've been swell!" "Listen Scott. I know you're mad-" "Mad?! I'm furious! Put yourself in my shoes! Your best friend goes missing for three freaking years without any contact and then just randomly shows up saying he "just needed to get away"! How would you handle that? I thought you were dead Stiles. There's even a grave for you at the cemetery that I would go to everyday and bring flowers and I would just sit there and talk to you. About important stuff, or just random stuff that we would always talk about. I would go to your grave for guidance or if I lost all hope, I'd go to you and just talk for hours and hours, one time I even fell asleep on your grave because I stayed there from sunup to sundown just talking. But do you know what the worst part was?" Scott starts to cry while he's confronting his "missing" best friend. "Was that the coffin in the ground, is empty. Your 'body' was never found, so we had to burry and empty coffin. I would talk to an empty grave for hours and I promised you that I would find your body so that you could finally rest in peace in 'little old' Beacon Hills. Home to your friends, family, and your best friend. Now don't you see why I'm mad? The person that I love was 'dead' and I never knew what happened or why it happened. And I tried everything. I tried catching your scent, I almost killed Lydia because I was putting so much pressure on her and her Banshee predictions that she almost had a heart attack, anything you can think of, I tired. And you just show up here out of nowhere acting like nothing happened. So yeah. I'm a little mad!" Everyone just stood there in shock including Thomas. "Scott. I'm so sorry." "Save it," Scott said, "I'm leaving." Scott, not making any eye contact with anyone, left the Hale house slamming the door behind him. 

This is not how I thought this was going to go. I mean what Scott said is true though, but he doesn't know what really happened but when he does know, he'll hate me even more. "Well, I'm going to go. School tomorrow, gotta get my beauty sleep." I tried to cheer myself up as well as the rest of the pack, but I couldn't so I just gave in to my sadness, "I'll see you guys tomorrow." I go to leave, but  a hand on my shoulder stops me. "Just give it some time, Scott will come around." "Thanks Lydia." And I leave. I run back to my house thinking of everything Scott had said when a familiar voice speaks in my head... 


I stumble to a stop when I realize who it is in my head and pure hatred comes poring out of me.

  'You're supposed to be dead' 

Authors Note 

Ooo cliffhanger!

Sorry for such a short chapter! Tomorrow is my last day of school so I'll be able to update more!

Thank you so much for reading! 

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