Chapter 4

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'You are supposed to be dead'

'Next time you "kill" someone, make sure you check and see if they're actually dead'

'What do you want Ratman'

'What do you think I want Thomas?'

'A girlfriend?'

'Ugh. You Thomas. I want you.'

'Sorry buddy, I don't swing that way. But I'm truly flattered!'

'You know what I mean Thomas. You were the best candidate for this experiment.'

'What do you want Ratman...'

'You need to come back to WICKED'

'You must be out of your mind if you really think I'll come back to that hell hole'

'If you don't come, then I'll come after you.... You have one week.'

Great! This is just fan-freaking-tastic! I just got out of that place and now that I'm finally home, WICKED finds me again! If they found me, does that mean they found the rest of the Gladers? Oh no! No no no no no! They can't go back! Not after everything they've been through! This can't happen!

I run back home and up to my room, trying to think of a plan to get the Gladers out of this. It's really late at night and I can't think of anything! Nothing. I got nothing. Great. I have school tomorrow so might as well get as much sleep as I can. Should I tell the pack about my past? No. It will only put them in even more danger. I'll tell them if it's absolutely necessary.

The sun is starting to rise and I finally get to sleep after hours of constant thinking only to be woken up by my father only seconds after finally drifting off into a deep sleep. "Come on son! Don't want to be late on your first day of senior year!" "ughhhhhhhh" "Come on sport! Rise and shine." I eventually get up and get ready. Today is the day Stiles is reborn. No more Thomas, just Stiles. I look at the clock and realize I'm going to be late. "Crap!" I run down the stairs and run out the door. "Stiles! What about your car keys?" Dad yells. Oh yeah! I can't run to school, that would be weird. "Oh! Thanks dad! Almost forgot." I grab the keys out of dad's hand and run to my beautiful jeep. "Oh baby how I've missed you!" I start the car and head to school.

Once I get to school, I walk to the office to get my schedule only to see the whole school staring at me, watching me move down the hallway, whispers being dispersed between friends. This is very disturbing. I made it to the office and stopped in front of the front desk. "How may I help yo-- Stiles?" The lady says. "Yep! That's me!" The shock on her face is priceless. A few minutes later, I get my schedule and start the day at school.

Just my luck. Most of my classes are with Scott which is super awkward. You can tell he's still a little annoyed with me but I'm angry with him too. I mean he just started yelling at me when I saw him for the first time in years, rude. But I'll just give it time. See what happens.

By the time lunch comes around, I'm bored out of my mind! I've learned everything the teachers have talked about at WICKED. So I'm practically falling asleep in every class. The lunch food reminds me of Frypan's food, tasteless but filling. Of course I'm not going to sit with the pack because, boy, would that be awkward so I sit alone at a table and eat my tasteless food by myself. Sitting alone is actually nice even though everyone is still staring at me, I still get lost in my thoughts. I think of the Gladers and wonder if they are ok. I know what I need to do but I'm just trying to deny it but I know it needs to be done. I need to turn myself in to WICKED.

School is over when I receive a text from Lydia.
Meet me at Derek's house in an hour.
Why would Lydia want to see me? I guess I'll find out. An hour goes by and I realize I desperately needed a run, so I decide to run to Derek's house, again. Once there, I see the whole pack standing in the living room looking at me. "What's going on guys?" I ask. They stay silent until Scott decides to speak. "I'm so sorry." He said. I give him a confused look. "About what?" I ask. "Everything I said. I shouldn't have said the things I did and It's been killing me. I was just so relieved you were ok, that I didn't know how to react. And I'm so so sorry." Tears are starting to form in his eyes. "Scott," I started and paused for dramatic effect, "it's fine. I understand." Relief fell over the whole pack. "Good. I thought I lost you again buddy." Scott said with a smile. I return the smile only to have Derek ruin the moment, "Ok now that that's over, we have a problem." "What?" I asked worried that it might be WICKED. "There's a new threat in Beacon Hills." Oh no... "Who?" Scott asked.
"They're called the Dread Doctors."

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