Chapter 2

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I've been back in Beacon Hills for two days now and I haven't had the nerve to go out and see the pack. Really dude? Why are you being such a shuck faced piece of klunk? After everything you've been through, you'd think you'd have the guts to confront your friends by now. But how can I? I've done things that Scott and the pack would never agree with, my ADHD is completely gone, I'm probably smarter than Lydia (and that's saying something). In general, I'm just a completely different person! I knew I had to face my friends sooner or later though because they're going to see me at school anyway. Might as well see them before school so they can take it all in and not have a heart attack right in the middle of the school hallway. I'm defiantly not going to tell them about WICKED though, they aren't ready. I'll just come up with a stupid excuse as to why I've been missing for three years... That should be easy. I need to think of a really good explanation because the pack is for sure going to ask a crap tone of questions... "Where have you been?", is defiantly going to be one of them. Don't get me wrong though, I am going to eventually tell them about WICKED but only when the time is right and when I'm ready to tell them. I mean we only defeated WICKED a few weeks ago, I need to be able to learn trust again and really think about what happens now that the Gladers are free. I just don't want to rush things, thats all. I guess today is the day I'm going to grow a pair and see the pack, and the only my only reason is because today is Sunday: A) pack meetings are usually always held on Sundays and B) school is tomorrow and like I just said, I'm not waiting until school to see them. I can do this right? I mean, it's the pack! It's not like they really missed me while I was missing. After what happened with the nogitsune and almost killing Allison, I get why they were shutting me out before I was taken, and besides I was a skinny, defenseless human with no skills and was pretty much dead weight for the pack to carry. Now, I'm more in shape and stronger than before and to add on top of that, I have a bunch of scars littering my body from all the obstacles that WICKED threw at us, but don't get me wrong... I look badass! (not the point Thomas) Wait... what's my name? I know it's Stiles, but I've been so used to Thomas that I don't think I'd respond to Stiles. I guess I'm just going to have to get used to Stiles now. 

I finally got the nerve to go to Derek's house, where all the pack meeting take place, but I didn't drive... I ran. I didn't even notice I was running until I was half way there. I guess I'm just so used to running that I just do it out of habit. I finally got to Derek's house and I could tell there was a meeting being held due to the cars outside the burnt house. I haven't been here in what seems like forever and my nerves begin to kick in. Me being the stupid shank I am, forgot to come up with a good explanation as to why I've been missing for three years. Well, I have two options: A) I pull the, "I don't want to talk about it." card or B) I "had to get away" card. I'm going with option B. Alright Tho- Stiles, don't be a shank. Just walk up to the door and knock. And I did. The door was unlocked and I just waltzed right in. The current conversation the pack was having suddenly stopped and all eyes went to me in shock. Oh god! What do I say? "Um, Hey guys." was all I said. Really Thom- Stiles? Really? I haven't seen the pack in three years and all you have to say for yourself is hey guys. I've fought against grievers, cranks, crazy scientists and ally have to say is hey guys? Great job Thomas.. you're going places. My thoughts were interrupted when Scott slowly walked toward me. "Stiles? Is that really you?" "In the flesh." I said. I was shocked to see Scott's expression that came after. Pure anger and hatred radiated off Scott and I didn't know if I should run away or just awkwardly stand there which is what I'm already doing but still. I was relived to see that Scott's expression changed once again to happiness and relief, but (all these stories have big buts) you could still see the sadness in his eyes. I was shocked when he came in to hug me, but just like my father, I welcomed the hug. I guess this wasn't so bad after all. Or so I thought. Before Scott and I could even separate the hug, questions started to bombard me, asking me where I was or why I've been gone so long. I guess they really did miss me after all. Good to know. 

Authors Note 

Hey guys! I'm sooooo sorry I haven't updated in forever! I feel awful, but I promise I'll update as soon as possible!! :-)  

PS: It's midnight right now where I live and I'm really tired because its finals week at my school, so if half the stuff I just wrote makes no sense or is grammatically incorrect, I do apologize! I'm just really tired, but I love to write and this was the only free time I've had in a while so I had to take this opportunity to update for you guys because you guys are the best! Anyway, sorry if some of this is grammatically incorrect! Thank you guys so much for reading! <3

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