Chapter 5

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"The Dread Doctors?" Scott asked. "Yes, that's what I just said." Derek replied sarcastically. "How are they a threat?" I asked. "Well, lets just say they take teenage kids and turn them into chimeras. Don't ask what a chimera is, you'll find out sooner or later." Derek said. I can tell the whole pack is taken aback by the new threat in Beacon Hills but, personally, I'm just glad it isn't WICKED. The pack would have no clue what to do if WICKED stopped by to have a little chat. "If the 'Dread Doctors' are such a big threat, then how come we haven't heard of them until now?" Lydia asks. "They make sure their work is hidden and they do a pretty good job at doing so." Derek replies. "Ok, but how do you even know about them?" Lydia asks. "Because I've seen them before." Derek says. "When?" I ask. "Not too long ago. I was here at my house, when I suddenly heard something strange like a pen clicking and I had no clue what it was and it was very faint. Before I knew what was happening, three big creatures pin me against the wall. They were saying something but I couldn't hear them very well, but they were strong I can tell you that much, very strong." Derek explained. 


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After the pack meeting, I ran home and started thinking about how I'm going to defeat WICKED and save my friends. Now, I know that I have to turn myself in, but I have to come up with a plan first so I can save my friends. I realized how late it was and I know I have to go to bed because its a school night... yay. Surprisingly I fell asleep pretty easily.

The next morning, I woke up early, giving me three hours to get ready, because yesterday was a little rushed if you ask me. I get out of bed and hop in the shower after that, I get dressed, brush my teeth and head down stairs for a nice breakfast. Once downstairs, dad is visually shocked when he notices I'm awake. "Well you're up early!" Dad says in a cheerful mood. "Yep! Thought I would wake up earlier. Don't want to rush like yesterday." I said. "Well, I like this new attitude! It's good to get out of the habit of going to bed late and sleeping in all day." Dad replies. "Hey, I'm a teenager, it's my job to stay up late." "Ok, but that does't explain the midnight snacks." Dad said sarcastically. "If you're not supposed to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the refrigerator?" I knew I won when dad said nothing else. "Take that old man" I said playfully. "Oh shut up!" Dad laughed and I joined. 

I get to school only to find the pack sitting at a picnic table and by the looks of them, they were concerned. "Hey guys! What's up?" I ask. "Hey man. We're just talking about the new kid." Scott said. "New kid? What new kid?" I ask. Before anyone can answer me, I see him. 

"Is that Theo Raeken?" I ask in disbelief

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"Is that Theo Raeken?" I ask in disbelief. "Yep." Scott simply said. Theo and I awkwardly make eye contact and I guess he remembers me because he waves to me and I, not wanting to be rude, wave back and awkwardly sit down with the rest of the pack.  "I haven't seen him since the fourth grade." I add. "Me either man." Scott said. "Why is he here?" I ask annoyingly. "You still don't like him do you?" Scott asks. "There's just something about him that just rubs me the wrong way." I inform, not taking my eyes off of Theo. "We should ask him to sit with us." Scott suggested. I turn my head so quickly, I swear I got whiplash. "Are you crazy?!" I yelled in a small whisper, "We haven't seen him since we were in fourth grade. We don't know him. He could be a drug dealer for all we know!" The pack just giggled a little bit, annoying the crap out of me. "What? We don't know!" I said. "Stiles, I don't think he is a drug dealer and even if he were, we've dealt with worse." Scott giggled. "I don't like this. I don't like this at all." I said. 

Of course the rest of the day is as boring as ever but I still can't shake the feeling that something is off with Theo and now I'm determined to find out what it is. Lunch time comes around and I'm shocked to see what is at the picnic table the pack sits at. Theo is sitting with them. Of course. There is no way I'm sitting with them, so I turn around to start walking to any other place but there, when, of course, Theo decides to call me over. "Hey Stiles! Come sit with us!" I close my eyes and take a deep breath and turn around with an obvious fake smile on my face. "Hey Theo! Long time no see!" I say with a good amount of sarcasm. Theo doesn't seem to notice the sarcasm but Scott defiantly does. He clears his throat to shut me up and says, "Stiles, aren't you going to come sit with us?" "Of course." Again, sarcasm. I sit with the pack and silently eat my lunch while the rest of the pack talks to Theo. "So what brought you here to Beacon Hills?" I ask. The whole table went silent and looked at me. I look at them with confusion. "What? Was it something I said?" This time, there was no sarcasm. After another few seconds of awkward silence, Theo decides to speak up. "Well, Stiles, I've come back to Beacon Hills because I need an alpha." I just look at him in disbelief and almost choke on my food in the process. "Wait, so you're telling me... You're a werewolf?" I ask. "Yes sir." Theo replied proudly. "Great!" I said, again, with sarcasm. 

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