Chapter 6

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After finding out that Theo was a werewolf, the whole pack's perspective on him changed. They've been nicer to him, inviting him to pack meeting, and best of all, ignoring everything I have to say about him. I just don't get it, I've been right about this stuff ever since this whole 'werewolf' situation started. Every time I have a bad feeling about a person, I always turn out to be right. The pack just hasn't realized it yet and it's starting to get out of hand. Now, I've had strange feelings about people before, but nothing like this. Something about Theo is off and I'm determined to find out. I can't risk loosing my friends when I have WICKED on my heels, and don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that right after WICKED threatened to come after me Theo just decides to show up? I know Ratman gave me a week, but WICKED is known for their tricks. It wouldn't surprise me if WICKED is already here now, watching everything I do. I can't risk that. I can't risk WICKED knowing who my friends are, they'll do anything to get to me, anything and I'm not going to let WICKED take them away from me. They mean too much to me. I need to keep my distance. Yeah, it's going to suck, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. 

"Stiles? You ok?" Lydia asked, knocking me out of my thoughts. "Yeah Lyds, I'm fine." I knew she didn't believe me, but she just smiled and said, "Ok. Just wondering." Lydia and I have gotten closer through the years, which I'm thankful for. She's my girl best friend and yeah, I still have a crush on her, but I like where we are, we have a special bond and I'm thankful for her in my life. I could tell something was bothering her, so I stopped in the middle of the school hallway and grabbed her arm lightly to stop her. "Lydia? What's wrong?" She hesitated but she finally sighed and gave in. "I've just had this feeling ever since Theo came-" "What kind of feeling Lydia?" I asked nervously. "I don't really know. I'm still getting used to this whole Banshee thing, but it's not a good feeling I can tell you that." Lydia seemed concerned, which is never a good sign, but I could tell she was nervous about this. "I haven't really had the best thoughts about Theo either since he got here, actually, I haven't had a good feeling about him since the fourth grade." I said trying to make a joke but failed. Lydia showed her half smile but she still had a sad look to her. "Hey, Lydia. It's going to be ok." I reassured, trying to convince myself as well. "Yeah, I know." Lydia sighed. After our little conversation we stared walking to class again when Lydia suddenly stopped again and said, "Don't tell anyone about this ok? I don't want the pack to worry." "But you're a banshee, whenever you have a bad feeling, something bad usually happens. Don't you think the pack should be warned?" I asked. "I'll tell them if I feel it necessary, but as of right now, I want this to be between you and me. Can you do that for me? Please?" "Of course Lyds." I promised. "Thank you." She responded with relief in her voice. We continue walking to class until we finally get there. We sit down in our usual seats and wait for class to start. Once class starts, I start to drift off letting all my thoughts just fly around in my head. The rest of the class is a blur but all I know is if Lydia, the banshee, has a bad feeling about Theo, then I guess I'm not overreacting after all.


It's been more than a week since Ratman payed a visit in my head, but it's been quiet, too quiet. Usually when WICKED gives a threat, they don't play around. That's why I keep thinking about Theo and how he is connected somehow. I've been keeping my distance from the pack though, I haven't been to any pack meetings and I've been avoiding the pack as much as I can. It hurts, it really does and I can tell the pack is getting suspicious, but I have to do what I have to do to keep them safe and also keep WICKED away from them. 

Usually I go through dad's work files when he isn't home and just when I thought things were getting too quiet, I realize how many people, teenagers to be specific, are missing. The first thing to come to my head is WICKED. Their organization is to kidnap teenagers and practically torture them. I'm worried, very very worried and I need to go to someone, but who? I know exactly what I need to do. I text the pack and tell them to come to my house for and emergency pack meeting and of course I leave Theo out of the group text. Everyone agreed to come and Scott asked if Theo could come and I said NO with five exclamation points, not one but five just so I could get the message across. 

When the pack came, I didn't wait I just dove right into it. "Do you know how many people, I'm sorry, teenagers  have gone missing in the last few weeks?" I don't give them the chance to answer, "A scary amount! A very scary amount! And who decided to show up right around the time of the kidnaps? Don't even say it, Theo. Coincidence? I think not!" "Stiles calm down." Scott said. I just look at him like he has six heads. "Calm down? Don't you think it's a little strange that Theo just randomly shows up and teenagers start going missing? Because I find that to be very disturbing if I do say so myself." "It may look suspicious, but it's not Theo Stiles, it's the Dread Doctors behind the kidnappings. And I know this because I've seen if for myself. I saw a poor boy get kidnapped by the Dread Doctors and there was nothing I could do about it." Scott said in a sad voice. "Even if you saw the Dread Doctors, that doesn't mean Theo has nothing to do with it." I try to convince them but they wouldn't budge. I gave up after a while. "Fine," I said in a defeated voice, "whatever. I mean, what do I know right? I'm just skinny, defenseless Stiles right?" "Stiles-" Scott tried to say. "No Scott, you're right. I don't know anything. You guys should just go. I have a lot on my mind right now." "Oh yeah, like what?" Derek asked annoyingly. "Nothing, Sourwolf." I practically yelled. Scott now is very concerned. "Stiles, what is it? What's wrong?" "I said nothing ok!" I lost all my patience, "Now would you please leave? I need to to something." "What do you need to do Stiles?" Scott asked getting even more worried. "I need to go somewhere." I said in return. "Where?" Lydia asked with concern in her voice. "Non of you're business." I need to keep my distance, even if it means yelling at my friends, "Now leave!" The pack looked hurt, except Derek, he's just there. After a few seconds of silence and hurt looks, the pack finally leaves. As they walk out there door, I say, "Tell Theo I said hi." I don't wait for a response, I just close the door and head upstairs to start packing. I'm going to give an old friend a visit.   

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