The End

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Jakob and Alice sat on the main floor in unconmfortable and stressful silence for an hour. Alice was stressed because the Doctor was down in the lower level with the monster and she didn't know if he was still alive.

After an hour Jakob began asking random questions about Alice's life and my family. She answered them with as few words as possible and then rebound the questions towards Jakob. He told her he was the same age as her and his sister was the girl that was in his crew, I couldn't recall her name, and the captain was his father. He told her how his mother had died while giving birth to his little brother, who had also not made it. After he shared that piece of information they went back to silence.

This is going to be a long wait. Alice thought to herself as she plugged her headphones into her phone and turned on her music.


 Jakob had taken Alice to the Supply Closet to stock up on supplies. They winded through halls,making their way to the closet. The long halls and multiple doors reminded Alice of the T.A.R.D.I.S. After five minutes of walking they finally made their way to the Supply Closet. Jakob took out a card that had his face and his name on it and swiped it in a card reader that was positioned next to the door. The light on the card scanner turned green and beeped a long noise. There was a click that showed that the door had unlocked. Jakob pushed the door and it creaked open slowly. They made their way in and Jakob shut the door behind him, the door locking ,too. Alice began pushing aside boxes and reading labels, looking for things the base might need.

"What're we looking for?" Alice asked, scanning the shelves.

"Why don't you stop look for a second?" Jakob's smirk was obvious in his voice. Alice froze, afraid what might happen next. Suddenly, Alice was pushed next to a bare wall and was getting kissed, harshly. Alice stuggled to push Jakob away, but his strength was no match for Alice's. When Alice tried to shove his again he instead went to her neck, sucking it roughly.

"Please stop."Alice whimpered. Jakob's hand found the bottom of Alice's tanktop and nudged it up. Alice gasped as his cold hand touched her warm skin. She began panicking and grabbed the closet thing to her and smashed it over Jakob's head. He immediatley crumpled to the ground.

 Alice slid down the wall and wrapped her arms around her knees, curling into a ball. She could still feel Jakob's hand that were all over her minutes before. She cried for the longest time and the minutes she sat there felt like years. She decided to get up and make her way to the main room.

She sat on a stool with her head in her hands. She sat in silence.

"Alice? Jakob? You there?" ALice head the Doctor. She searched the entire room for the source of the noise, knowing that the Doctor was not in the room with her. She found a walkie-talkie in one of the drawers.

"Doctor?" Alice croaker. Her voice was hoarse from all her crying.

"Alice? Are you okay?" The Doctor asked, concerned. Alice coughed and make sure she could speak in her normal voice before pushing the button on the walkie talkie.

"Just fine. What's going on? Where are you at?" Alice asked, the doctor was a little unconvinced and he stayed silent on the other end.

"I was coming up but the elevator broke and I'm still trying to fix it." The Doctor explained.

"Where's the captain and the other girl?" Alice asked. The Doctor was silent for a few minutes."Doctor?" 

"They're dead." The Doctor stated, emotionessly. Alice took was silent for a minute before she focused on their problem.

"What do we do now?" Alice asked, hoping the Doctor would have a good answer.

"We find the alien."

"What do you mean 'find the alien'?"

"The alien escaped and according to my sonic screwdrive, it is on the floor you are." The Doctor warned her. Alice gulped and her breath began to quicken. If you alien could kill the girl and the captain it could ceartainly kill her. She heard a ding and an excited Yes! though the walkie takie. "I got the elevator to work. I'll be up in a few minutes." Suddenly the lights began to flicker. 

"Doctor." Alice whispered, terrified. She quickly rummaged through the drawers for a flashlight. As soon, as she found one the lights shut off. Alice switched on the flashlight and backed up in the corner. With the lights all off and the ship silent, the situtation got ten times scarier. Alice curled up in a ball and waited  for the Doctor.

She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder and she open her mouth to scream before a hand covered it. She look up to see the Doctor. She had never been happier to see him. All their adventures were crazy, yeah, but they weren't this terrifying. She quickly hugged the Doctor. He stiffened, but relaxed quickly into the hug. 

"We have to get out of here. I set a bomb to go off in five minutes and the TARDIS is at least three minutes away." The Doctor explained. 

"A bomb?" Alice sqeaked. 

"I'm so sorry, Alice, but there's no other choice. The alien is way to dangerous to let it get away." The Doctor stated.

"You know, you do a lot of blowing things up: the Daleks, the Saquars."

"What can I say? It's my speacialty." The Doctor laughed, sadly. He began dragging her towars the TARDIS when they passes the supply closet. Alice knew she had to save Jakob. She ripped her arm from the Doctor's grasp and open the door. She found Jakob still knocked out on the floor. 

"Doctor. We have to help him." Alice told him. They both put one of his arms around Jakob's shoulder and dragged him to the TARDIS. They slammed the doors once they were in and the Doctor went to work on leaving. The TARDIS shook and they were gone. 

They were safe. 


Alice sat in her room, curled in a ball. She was trying to forget was Jakob had tried to do, but it was no use. The Doctor knocked her door to tell her dinner was ready. When she didn't answer, the Doctor walked in. He sat on the bed next to her. 

"What happened on the ship?" The Doctor asked, quietly. Alice sat up slowly, knowing she had to tell him at one point.

"He-he tried to-" Alice couldn't finish her sentence before she began sobbing. The Doctor hugged her tightly and Alice buried herself farther into the Doctor's chest. The Doctor rubbed her back, trying to piece everything together. When everything clicked he clenched his fists. He stood up quickly and rushed out of the room. Alice followed, not knowing what he was planning. Alice found themselves in the control room. Jakob was standing, rubbing his head.

"Where am I?" He asked, looking around. When the Doctor reached Jakob, he grabbed Jakob's shirt and slammed his fist into his face, knocking Jakob uncouncious, once again. 


Sorry for not posting in a while! I will try to post tomorrow, but since tomorrow is easter there is not guarentee (however you spell it). I hoped you enjoyed it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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