The Saquars

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Alice woke up with a pounding headache. She slowly opened her eyes to a blinding light, worsening the headache. She also felt a pain in her neck. When she reached up to touch it she found her arms were bound to the table. A normal person would have started freaking out in that situation: not knowing where you're at and bound to a table but Alice kept her calm. 

"Doctor?" Alice whispered to the form next to her, the light too bright to see who it was. Alice just hoped it would be him.

"Yeah?" He mumbles lifting his head and then the Doctor realised where he was. The Doctor began jerking around, trying to get the binds lose.

"Doctor. Shut up." Alice hisses. Both the Doctor and Alice go silent as they hear footsteps down a hall and the door begining to be open. A human walked in, which confused both Alice and the Doctor. The human went over to a desk that had many tools on it, that Alice never seen before.

"Alice." The Doctor whispered and she looked over to him. "He is not a human." The Doctor insisted to Alice. Alice  shook her head, not agreeing.

The man took some tools from the table and made his way towards Alice. 

"No. You get away from her!" The Doctor shouts at the man but he doesn't listen. Alice remained calm until his tool was inches away from her. She kicked as hard as she could at the man's face, the impact causing his to go uncoinucus. 

"Nice kick!" The Doctor compliments, laughing.

"When you have as much older boy cousins as I have you learn how to fight." Alice says, as if it was obvious. She began wiggling her wrist and before the Doctor could ask what she was doing she had her wrists loose and she was working on her ankle ties. 

When Alice finishes her's she goes over to the Doctor and helps him out of his locks that were around his wrist. The Doctor takes a moment to rub his wrist before working on his ankles. 

When the Doctor is out he uses his sonic screwdriver on the door he pokes his head out the door. He finds that the hall is deserted. The Doctor grab's Alice's hand and they slowly make their way down the corridor. 

"Doctor?" What's your plan?" Alice whispers. 

"Like always, wing it." The Doctor replies, causing Alice to scoff. The Doctor holds up his sonic screwdriver. 

"We are underground. Only about 200 feet underground." The Doctor explains. He takes a brief pause. "Uh oh." The Doctor mutters.

"What?" Alice asks, as she puts her hand on the door knob that was at the end of the hall. 

"I know what race captured us." The Doctor answers.

"Why is it bad?" Alice asks, taking her hand off the knob. 

"They're Saquars. Their planet was destroyed by timelords so we could grow more T.A.R.D.I.Ss'." The Doctor replies and suddenly Alice understood the situation they were in. The Saquars were enemies with the timelords. 

"Why do they look so human then?" Alice asks, finally opening the door they've been standing by for minutes. 

Alice and the Doctor was thrown to the wall by red serpent like figures and Alice pieced together that this was the true form of the Saquars.

"They use preception filters." The Doctor chokes out as the alien holding the Doctor tightens it's grip around the Doctor's neck. Alice mind started to race and she glanced around the hall. She sees a cart with needles that they used to knock out Alice and the Doctor before. She smiles and turns back to the Saquar infront of her. She spit in it's eye and it quickly reacted, hitting Alice and knocking her near the cart, which was what she wanted.

The alien that had it's grip on the Doctor didn't turn around to see the other  Saquar scratching at it's eyes. Alice quickly grabs two of the needles and stabs the first one into the first Saquar's neck. The alien instantly goes limp on to the cold, metal floor. Alice notices the Doctor almost has lost consiousness. She sneaks ups behind the alien and taps it on the shoulder. As it turns she stabs the needle into it's neck, making the alien go unconcious. 

The Doctor falls to the floor, due to his lack of oxygen. Alice kneels next to him and holds out her hand for him, smiling. He gets a couple of breaths into his lungs before grasping Alice's forearm. She pulls him up and they make their way to the other side of the corridor.


Sorry. I can't post daily anymore. Every week on Saturday (on my time) a chapter will be posted. I will try to make them longer. This one was a little longer but now much. 

Please vote, comment, and follow. I'm getting kind of discouraged because I'm not getting any reads, comments, or votes. :(

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